Thanks 'Found sheep'. ( and a nice face too if i may say) a kiss on each cheek.
I have taken some leave recently. I have done home upgrades repairs. No thanks of course after all its my job isnt it. I have not been to a meeting in many months now. I didnt go to the memorial being the first one I have missed in a life time apart from illness.
Well for all the meetings she attends and all the study the dvd,'s the field service she is a cranky non communicating miserable cow. I can well imagine why.
"Hes not here? Well you have to get him along its so important'... will be stated in one of several ways most likely EVERY time she attends a meeting, a convention a field service journey.
After all people only go to the KH to see who IS NOT there. To check on the dress code etc.
If a sister phones then its "Hah, ha ha" all light and care free. chat chat chat and I have realized that SO MANY others have the same behaviour. All fun fun fun positive happy on the surface but are most likely utterly sad, unfullfilled and probably clinically depressed. This is what she has become.
I saw a entry somewhere that described the 'Armageddon family' that lives in a time warp of no creativity, no quality of living standard with no creative side and all gloom and doom about the latest tv news and 'that means....' well we have all met them the hard core JW that live by the society for the society and of the society; ( and I have noticed a high level of constant and serious illness) which then betrays that 'loyalty' in the court rooms or when as I did find out your children have been sex abuse victims by a brother.
(and then you learn of the cover ups going on all over )
But I have loving friends, contacts, and interests. and most of all an immaculately clean conscience. Yo!
My love to you all.
Could someone tell me how to do a pm please.