Yes thats my situation. some where along the path of life the WT guilt trip was dumped on our marriage and we havent had sex for years.
anyone else? The hearts and flowers and gifts and doing the cleaning, the house work and paying the daily accounts never being drunk on drugs playing the horses or screwing others yep its all there but nothing coming back due to the WT guilt trip.
They made so much of 'oral sex' and 'pornea' incorrectly quoted at that and ventured thereby into areas they were patently very ill equipped to comment on. I feel someone at bethel watched some vile aggressive porno and believed that was that. Pornos dont show tenderness and no one talks in them. The WTS have so little regard for the intelligence of its members ( sorry people on their 'personal mission' ) they assume the porno screen is the normal mariage bed. Wrong! But sex is a very fragile thing as body image time place stress too many meetings all with bad news shopping paying the bills kids, work, monthlies... all have a bearing on ability and satisfaction.
Its rather emarkable that having done the pornea thing to death the most recent magazines skip past it just so lightly. Hnnn.
Like i say not in years.....