From the historical standpoint the Israelite deity's name has changed over time.
First there was El -
He was a Canaanite God, worshiped as the Creator of the Universe and husband of Asherah by Northwest Semitic peoples and was also worshiped as the God of Israel, which he later ceased to be as he was considered a "false God". This is due to the fact that he was not an avatar of God like El Shaddai, the Ancient of Days or Allah, but was a descendant of Khaos, a very powerful amoral entity that inhabited the Endless Void before creation.
After Moses founded the worship of Yahweh, unlike Asherah, El and Yahweh began to be considered the same God. After millennia, it is not known what happened to El.
After Israel was conquered by the Assyrians they were exposed to the Zoroastrian religion and adopted the concept of monotheism. El had become YHWH.