Your opinion on eye-witness testimony holds a many truths. Once again, examine the facts about the Gospels -
They were written by anonymous authors.
- They were written 3 decades to 7 decades after the events that allegedly are written about took place.
- The books of Matthew, Luke, and John are plagiarized versions of Mark.
- The modern manuscript of the Gospels is dated to the second century CE.
- Manuscripts were hand copied with each copy increasing number of errors.
- One example of an error is ink leaking through the front side of the paper to the back side changing a word that implies Jesus is God.
Now consider this -
The Almighty of the Universe decides that a book should be written over a span of centuries. These words are supposed to be inspired and true. However, that same Almighty One does absolutely nothing to ensure that these books are copied accurately over the centuries for future generations to come to have accurate accounts of what happened and what was said.
The modern Bible is riddled with errors simply from copying copies of copies over and over again. For what reason would a perfect god who demands perfection allow its sacred texts to be made imperfect by human hands? Not to mention that those who took responsibility on the deciding after the fact to exclude scriptures from the Bible violated Revelation 22:18-19 and that most of the Bible is a violations of Deuteronomy 4:2.