The Untouchables
Blade Runner
nice to meet you!!.
i am working as a chef and i work the most ridiculous hours, so i spend a lot of free time namely after work when i go to bed, watching movies.. i have seen so many, but now i have run out of memories of movies and have seen all as far back as i can remember.. can people here name a few very awesome movies, and im not talking "oh thats nice" type of movies.
something worth the time.. i dont mind the genre, just nothing like romance, although i did like titanic having said that.. thankyou please!.
The Untouchables
Blade Runner
i've been reading the gospel of matthew a bit lately, and it kind of strikes me how much the pharisees seem to resemble the jws.
i'm sure this topic has come up several times before, but i've been thinking about suggesting this topic to my jw boyfriend to see what happens.... probably nothing good.
i'm up for a good whiny argument.
The point is that the evil empire publishes in it's book/magazines that the Pharisees of Jesus day were these evil religious leaders who were supposed to care God's people and their spirituallity. However, they began to become self-important, self-righteous, and become concerned with rules and regulations rather than caring for people.
So, the irony is that the WTB&TS judges these Pharisees of Jesus day and are guilty of the same allegations.
ok my fellow flying spaghetti monster believers.
get ready to just nod your heads in disbelief at the lack of any honesty with these two idiots.. .
classic case of pot calling kettle black.
The United States of America WAS NOT founded on Judeo-Christian philosphy. The "Founding Fathers" were deists and believed in deism. If Charles Darwin had been born a hundred years earlier, the Founding Fathers of the United States would have been aethists.
a very reliable friend told me this: the bro was commenting on what was "unacceptable" conduct in the bedroom between married persons.
needless to say, he had everyone's attention.
he went on to say "we must avoid perversions such as oral and annual sex.
I, as politely as possible, pointed out we are trying to teach him the Bible, that there was a talking snake and a talking donkey, that the sun and moon can stand still so a battle can be won, that you could be brought to life for just touching a prophet's dead bones....and I could go on for hours with totally unbelievable incidents in the Bible. He went quiet, then said, "yes, but in the Bible it really happened, so it's different..."
I laughed out loud. That is a great experience.
i've been reading the gospel of matthew a bit lately, and it kind of strikes me how much the pharisees seem to resemble the jws.
i'm sure this topic has come up several times before, but i've been thinking about suggesting this topic to my jw boyfriend to see what happens.... probably nothing good.
i'm up for a good whiny argument.
I, too, came to a similar conclusion. I based this on how the evil empire portrayed the pharisees in it's publications. Like the gospel accounts, I used to think that the true christian religion would come out of the organization. I believed that Jesus would do something that would cause those in the evil empire who had the mind of Christ to leave and create a new group.
Like the pharisees, the evil empire and it's appointed agents are totally consumed with enforcing man made rules and organizational policies. As such, there is no emphasis on developing the love Jesus displayed. It's more important to attend meetings, put in time in the ministry, and find fault in everything people take joy in.
i figure i can do more to wake friends and family up on the inside than the outside and i didn't come to that decision without a great deal of pain.
i know it's not "the truth" but it isn't a bad life for me,and i still very much believe in god.
the witnesses aren't right but neither are the mormons, the catholics, etc and i have other family devoted to both those faiths.
The first time I found myself just truly not caring about the ministry was a Sunday after the meeting. It was the last day of the month. We were reminded to turn in our field service reports and I realized I had not been out in the ministry at all.
I went out after the meeting for about an hour. Of that hour about 50 minutes was driving (25 minutes there and 25 minutes back). Before I even left the Kingdom Hall I had already report 9 hours of for the month.
Honestly, if you cannot stomach leaving (which can be very hard to do) then just fake it. Just go out after the Sunday meeting by yourself and "go out" I mean to lunch or the movies or wherever. Then report your time.
The old joke was "If I have my suit and tie on in public, people know who I am and what I am doing. So, I am going to report that time."
while looking through stas charts on jwfacts i notice two charts of publishers through the years.. on them, it is very clear that growth fell off the chart after 1975 and dropped dramaticaly again at 2000.. we know why for 75 and remember that many understood the big a to come by 2000.. will 2014 mark a subconscious and hopefully conscious psychological reaction from jws and 'interested' ones i wonder?.
In the early 80's I was in elementary school. I remember being told that this system of things would end before I ever got to high school. I have friends my age who have children graduating high school.
I think part of the reason many stay in the evil empire is that they could not cope with the overwhelming defeat of realizing they spent the best years of their life saying "no" to life. How does one who is sixty or seventy, been a windowwasher their whole adult life, has no retirement or pension, come to terms with the fact that they have bought in to dillusion and give it all up?
while looking through stas charts on jwfacts i notice two charts of publishers through the years.. on them, it is very clear that growth fell off the chart after 1975 and dropped dramaticaly again at 2000.. we know why for 75 and remember that many understood the big a to come by 2000.. will 2014 mark a subconscious and hopefully conscious psychological reaction from jws and 'interested' ones i wonder?.
The evil empire has always told us that Bible prophecies has minor and major fulfillments.
2 Thess. 3 " Let no one seduce YOU in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction."
The evil empire tells us that the coming of a "great apostasy". The original Christian congregation supposedly did not last very long past the last remaining apostle on earth. It wasn't until Charles Taze Russell began his ministry in the latter part of the 19th century that the true religion was re-established on earth.
Let's look at this logically -
1) Jesus, the son of God, establishes Christianity as the one, true religion on earth. This was supposed to take place around the year 33 A.D./C.E. with Pentacost being the date that officially starts the Christian congregation with God's blessing.
2) Jesus assends to heaven and leaves the Christian congregation in the hands of the apostles.
3) In a few short decades the Christian congregation is taken over by apostates and no religion on earth now has God's stamp of approval.
4) In the latter half of the 19th century Charles Taze Russell is used by Jesus to re-establish an approved religion on earth and it has become known as "Jehovah Witnesses".
What reason has the evil empire given for some 17 centuries of there being no acceptable religion on earth? I was taught that the Christian congregation could not have endure 20 centuries of this system of things, waiting for the end. Correct me if I am wrong, but now I will get to my point;
How could the original Christian congregation supposedly only last decades past Pentecost before it fell to apostasy, but the evil empire exist in 3 different centuries and keep on going?
With this "New Light" on the word "generation" the year 1914 no longer has anything to do with the "end of this system of things". I saw sister post on her Facebook page that the end could come as early as 2030. So, 1914 will continue to be a central doctrine, but it no longer has no bearing on "the end".
a very reliable friend told me this: the bro was commenting on what was "unacceptable" conduct in the bedroom between married persons.
needless to say, he had everyone's attention.
he went on to say "we must avoid perversions such as oral and annual sex.
"Mankind was created to be gardners." - Elder and Field Service Overseer
"I can't wait talk to the apostles in the New World." - Ministerial Servant's wife who is "of the other sheep"
"Glaciers do not carve mountains. You can pour all the icecubes you want on a mountain and it won't change." - Public talk on creation vs evolution
"Jehovah would not want us to see 'Return of the Jedi' because it promotes violence." - Bible hilights talk given the night before Return of the Jedi premiered.
heard something strange last week.
a speaker in the congregation said that you must preach.
he stated that this is a commandment.
There is no scripture that comes right out and says, "Only those who formally conduct a public ministry by going house-to-house shall inherit the kingdom of God." There are scriptures that someone could interpret and impy that such a thing were true. That is what the evil empire has done.
Like some many other man made rules the evil empire has made, a required formal ministry to gain salvation is based on the "prophetic commandment" of Jesus in Matthew chapters 24 and 28. In addition there is the blood guilty argument based on the Old Testment passages that is you didn't warn someone then their blood was on your hands. The last argument is the "example" argument. That is to say, "Jesus and his disciples did it. So, we have to do it, too."
People do a lot better with "Thou shall not kill," but even then they mess that one up, too. So, it is a lot of drawing conclusions based on the earthly understanding of imperfect men. However, there is one big item of note we are missing.
When Jesus and his disciples conducted their ministry they did so by going where the people were (i.e. not knocking on the doors of empty houses) and they only used the scriptures. The evil empire is all about selling their books. Remember, the WTB&TS is a publishing company that's sole existance is based on printing religous materials.
For those who are still in the evil empire, ask yourselves this: "How would my local body of elders react if I made it known that I would no longer attempt to place the printed materials of the WTB&TS with the public in my door-to-door ministry and would only use my Bible?"