this is something i am familiar with
my x,,,ms,,,beat the royal crap out of me,,,
next door neighbours were witnesses,,,said they dont have this going on in their family and dont know how to deal with it,,,so the ignored me,,dont know how,,half my face was on the ground
x got 1 year in jail for it,,,and is still a practicing jw,,,
i think i have worked through all the bitterness, anger, etc, except for that part that he is in good standing,,,he got married 12 hours after our divorce,,,,imagine,,,society tells you you cant date until you are divorced,,,so it must have been a very fast romance,,,,most of the elders, etc, stood behind him, and said i pushed him over the edge,,,hmm after 25 yrs marriage,,,i dont think so
this was not the first time of abuse,,,,i had even called the elders in to help us,,,advise us,,told me to read the happiness book,,yeah right