I wish there were hard figures, too, but I guess you're right. It would show JWs how pointless their door to door work is.
Thanks for the responses! I was interested in knowing.
i don't know if there is any hard evidence on this or anything, but about how many of the new baptisms each year are children of jws, other family members of jws, or acquaintances?
how many are actual new people who have no ties to them at all?
it seems like the largest number are kids who are sort of pressured into it.
I wish there were hard figures, too, but I guess you're right. It would show JWs how pointless their door to door work is.
Thanks for the responses! I was interested in knowing.
what would you need to see to return?.
discuss........ .
I'm not a JW, but my favorite part of church is worship music! I tend to go to Calvary churches, and the music is pretty good soft rock Christian songs. There are some really great, uplifting, and catchy tunes. I'm pretty sure I would hate going to churches that have no musical instruments and not at least three or four worship songs at the beginning. Honestly, that's probably the time most people are engaged at church. Once the pastor comes up, snoozing, texting, or drooling can be prevalent, but never during music. That's the fun bit. (Not that I don't like the message, too. It just depends on who's preaching, really.)
When my JW boyfriend came to my church, he said there was far too much music and that there needed to be more talking. What a weirdo.
sooo i was a ministerial servant (omg a ministerial servant on this site!?
you apostate!!!
) yea yea i just wanted to see what other people think and whatever, coz i had a few questions myself, (butttt its not like i was about to start throwing them with rocks and stuff, they arent that bad).
I'm not a JW, but from what I've heard from my boyfriend, I agree with jgnat. The "privileges" seem kind of lame. Holding a microphone? At every church I've ever attended, if you want to volunteer for something, you can do it! And they are fun and sometimes pretty meaningful things. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being disallowed any sort of "job" within the church unless they did something really bad. There was this really annoying guy no one liked at one of my churches, and he still got to do whatever, even though he was a human repellent. It's welcoming to all creepers! (Don't worry, he wasn't a dangerous creeper; just someone who probably still lived in his mom's basement.)
But if you aren't into it anymore, you should feel some relief. You can start going less and spending your time doing more meaningful things. I'm sure you'll appreciate the breathing room.
no, i didn't really - but i'm anxious to hear from anyone who did!!.
what happened after the paragraph was read?
did anyone try to denounce abusing one's spouse under any circumstances, or were most answers supportive of the "advice" given to selma, i.e.
Haha I think it would have been the best if a wife had been the "Steve" while commenting. If I were married to my BF, I would totally do that and make up some story about him leaving the toilet seat up with no regard for my feelings, despite me telling him to stop. I keep beating him, but he doesn't give me chocolates afterward. What gives?! Of course, a divorce proceeding might not be too long after that... :P
no, i didn't really - but i'm anxious to hear from anyone who did!!.
what happened after the paragraph was read?
did anyone try to denounce abusing one's spouse under any circumstances, or were most answers supportive of the "advice" given to selma, i.e.
I was marginally tempted to go with my boyfriend to his Kingdom Hall today to see what happened. Of course, if I decided to say something semi-appropriate on the subject of spousal abuse, my boyfriend would probably be branded "bad association" immediately since I would have come with him. Hmmm, maybe I should have...
I don't know if I could ever take myself to one of those meetings under any other circumstances. I still haven't been, no matter how much he asks. (But I got him to go to church with me mwahahaha. All of us other Christians, using Satan to tempt JWs to our worship places.)
I think it would be fun if you were married to comment and say, "Oh yeah, I understand. I didn't stop beating my husband/wife until they started showing Christian love. Steve is the real hero in this story! If I beat you senseless for half an hour, and I don't have a sandwich within five minutes, you are a terrible spouse."
i don't know if there is any hard evidence on this or anything, but about how many of the new baptisms each year are children of jws, other family members of jws, or acquaintances?
how many are actual new people who have no ties to them at all?
it seems like the largest number are kids who are sort of pressured into it.
I don't know if there is any hard evidence on this or anything, but about how many of the new baptisms each year are children of JWs, other family members of JWs, or acquaintances? How many are actual new people who have no ties to them at all? It seems like the largest number are kids who are sort of pressured into it. What has been your experience? I'm especially interested since I bet they complain about how a lot of new Catholic baptisms are kids. I'm just curious for (civil) arguments sake.
i saw todays text(tm) and it was obvious bait and switch!.
it was banging on about listening to the holy spirit (a good thing if you believe in it), and then they used these sickifying words:.
''we do not need extensive formal education in order to comprehend deep spiritual truths that have been published.''.
With that line of reasoning, they may as well say that it's unimportant to take math, science, history, PE, or any health classes in school. Just get a fourth grade reading level and you're good?
Out of curiosity, how many of their daily texts have silly statements like that? Is it like a daily devotional that fosters dum dums?
I had my wisdom teeth out last week and can't eat much. I felt like I was looking at porn when I was looking at these pictures...
i noticed that this thread has been done before by blacksheep but i loved doing this test and i loved the results i got... apparently i need to look into reformed judaism.
jemba .
sorry firefox wont let me cut n paste but heres the website:.
I took that and my top response was Liberal Christian Protestants, and somehow Mormons are right behind that! haha Kind of odd, considering I think abortion and being gay are just fine and I reject the patriarchal ideals, but I read it on the internet. It must be true!
I get a horse and buggy, too! Quakers rounded out the top three. They're not that bad. My great grandma was one. They just sit around in meetings and do nothing for hours until someone feels like saying something. At least you can nap.
apologies if this has been discussed before, or is in the wrong forum, but i could really do with some advice.
two years ago i met the love of my life; someone i regard as my soulmate.
he is an active jw and i am a practising church of england person.
I'm in a similar boat to you. I've been dating an unbaptized JW for a few years now. He's kind of a different case, though. He's never been fully convinced of it, he doesn't think they're infallible at all, he only started going when his mother did (he was 12 or so), his congregation is fairly open, his family knows about me and I've met them all, and none of his extended family or his dad are JWs. He even has a few baptized younger friends who know about me. Since he's not the brainwashed type or anything, I really think there's a good chance he will leave. He's said a bunch of times that he doesn't think he could get baptized because he doesn't want to be disfellowshipped if he decides to leave. He also openly admits the problems they have. His main thing just comes back to "they're the only ones who preach and are really living right." It's totally not true, and I've gotten him to concede a few points, but meh. We also have Bible discussions fairly regularly, and while he doesn't believe Jesus is God or divine, he admits my viewpoints have scriptural backing. And he's gotten to agree with me about disfellowshipping being wrong.
With the two of us, though, we're young enough that I'm not immediately wanting marriage. I think people should wait til at least closer to 30. Those marriages tend to last longer. And while we've never given each other an ultimatum, it's well known that if we don't end up seeing eye to eye on religion, we won't get married. He's basically my best friend, though, so I don't mind sticking with him a few more years even if it doesn't lead to marriage. And I would TOTALLY recommend coming to this website and looking at the sheer insanity anytime you think of becoming a JW or at least tolerating the lifestyle. Or just read their literature. It's not the same as a Catholic marrying a Baptist or something. Heck, even Mormons are more open minded. It is a completely different lifestyle, and one that's marginally cuckoo. The people may be lovely, but they're encouraged to lead a life that's not all that lovely. If you need anyone to talk to and commiserate over your predicament, feel free to PM me anytime.