I noticed the 'Main' part of the Board is now called 'Friends'.
Didn't the Witnesses use to refer to each other as 'The Friends'?
Maybe we ought to change it to 'Ren.dez.vous Brothers and Sisters'?
Just a thought!
i noticed the 'main' part of the board is now called 'friends'.. didn't the witnesses use to refer to each other as 'the friends'?.
maybe we ought to change it to 'ren.dez.vous brothers and sisters'?.
just a thought!.
I noticed the 'Main' part of the Board is now called 'Friends'.
Didn't the Witnesses use to refer to each other as 'The Friends'?
Maybe we ought to change it to 'Ren.dez.vous Brothers and Sisters'?
Just a thought!
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
Actually Jesus is not bound by time, so it probably dosen't mean much to him, so I say 'no', he probably wouldn't wear one. However Max Larson's time is short, and he probably would like one to watch,to help make time go slower before the (his) end!
Outaservice (still countin my time with my Wal-Mart special)
this is in response to our district overbeer!
thanks valis!.
please list your fav poisen!.
Jack Daniels with Root Beer!
Outaservice (who for some reason is feeling a little sick now)
i like the jimi hendrix 'freedom', i blast that frequently.. any songs that speak to your sense of freedom, now?.
I like that catchey little song, 'From House to House, Door to Door'.
Outaservice (but still countin my time)
I think I might go!
lilacs started a fluffy thread on what "men look for in a woman".
i think it only fair that we ladies have the opportunity to have our say!!!!!.
and.....it's time i had a fluff post.
As a man, I know what you're really looking for girls......
1. Gets at least 10 hours a month in the Field Service.
2. Never misses meetings.
3. Has a family Watchtower Study and other publication study weekly.
4. Is at least a Ministerial Servant but preferably an Elder.
5. Works On 'Quick Build' Kingdom Halls as often as possible.
6. Delights in being in on Judicial Committees.
7. Uses the entire Summer vacation visiting an assembly and working unassigned territory.
8. Arranges for field ministry one hour before the Tuesday night bookstudy.
9. Only buys 4 door cars.
10. Follows Organizational rules to a tee and makes sure his wife and family does too!
Well, there you have it. Good men are hard to find!
Outaservice (Who tried but couldn't live up to the challenge)
with this in mind, paul's words in 1 tim.
because it is obvious from their context that paul's words in 1 tim.
" however, as i have here shown, paul's words in 1 tim.
Having looked at both sides of this conversation, I tend to agree with aChristian on this point. Of course the prevailing culture and viewpoints of 2000 years ago would naturally be somewhat different then than now, an example, the slavery issue, but that didn't mean all viewed those things as the best for all concerned even though that was the way things were.
Outaservice (who has high regards for females)
i asked jesus to help me be just a christian, and no more religion in my life.
when he answered, i told him who i was, and that i just sent off a letter ... but i wanted to talk to him to see if he might be available on the weekend i was there.
ray would not hear of it, and asked me to stay at his home for the weekend with he and his wife.
One thing that is impressed on my mind when reading your 'posts' is that JW's and ex-JW's can argue religion, and doctrine all day long but no one can question your own personal testimony! Yours and our experiences are real and not open to debate by anyone!
Your friend,
dear brothers,.
our literature history shows how well we like to give it to the catholic church!
we have a great opportunity now!.
Dear Brothers,
Our literature history shows how well we like to give it to the Catholic Church! We have a great opportunity now!
The National news is reporting that the Archdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts is being sued for millions of dollars by members who have been molested when they were young, by Elders, excuse me, I mean Priests! They have settled some individual cases for $10,000,000.00!
Nows the time to put an article in THE WATCHTOWER and show what dirty guys them Catholics are! Like before, you know!
Looking forward to your 'giving them Hell' so-to-speak. Thanks to God that we have a 'safe' place to worship!
Your Brother,
when is it time to stop being an xjw, or an x anything?
when is it time to stop being on xjw forums?
when is it time to just live?.
Some need to distance themselves from it. Others who might feel a calling or need to have a ministry toward JW's and'or ex-JW's might want to keep up with the Organization so as to stay current on all the BS that comes from it. Some can use infomation like the UN connection or pedophile situation to possibly help family members still in the Watchtower to take another look at it.
So, personally I think it varies with each individual. There are some benefits to run as fast as you can in the other direction when you get out and see the light, but some need to deal and process their experience over a period of time.