do they or have they ever put in print for its members, how much money they do have?
i am sure that in all the yrs i went to the meetings that was never spoken of because they always give the impression that they were doing it "thin"
No accounting whatsoever to it's members! Run as fast as you can in the other direction!
Outaservice (who used to work in Assembly accounting and always heard from the platform, that they were running short!)
as most of you folks know, non-witness family members are treated almost the same way as jw's treat disfellowshipped people.
after leaving the borg, fully or partially, has anyone had good results in reestablishing relationships with non-witnesses family relatives?
i've got over a dozen cousins that i'd like to have a relationship with once again, but i'm not sure the best way to break-the-ice.
I've many cousins who I have never even met and now correspond with many of them by e-mail. I apologized to them and any other relative I had who was not a JW and told them that my views were a result of my being associated with The Watchtower Society.
I do not hold back telling any of them just why I left the JW's and all the kind of crap they promote and cover up. Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!
I also went to all the persons I had studied with as a JW and apologised to them. Several left because of that and those who didn't have their own blood on their shoulders. I'm free!
Outaservice ( but still preachin )
why did you choose the nickname you did for this forum??
also who do you think has the coolest/funniest/weirdest name on the board?
i choose kelpie because that is my partner's nickname for me as my initials are klp.
My name used to be 'In Service' when I was a JW. I like 'Outaservice' better, as I no longer work for an organization!
Outaservice ( stay alive til 75! )
they are coming up soon, how many besides me?.
i was supposed to be born on december 25th and my mother wanted to name me merry.. instead i was born december 19th and my father named me mildred.
some punishment!
My Birthday is not in December, but could I still sign up for a gift?
i'd really appreciate any tips on where i can get a copy of 'crisis of conscience' by raymond v. franz from.
i'd prefer to get a copy online, and i imagine it's not the typical stock that my local books etc will stock!.
i have looked on amazon, and other searches that have come up within yahoo, but so far they're either out of stock, or don't ship outside of the us.
The paper it would take you to print it out online would cost you more than buying the book. I'll send you a free copy if you e-mail me with an address. It's not available online anyhow.
years ago, everybody seemed to talk to their neighbors, and knew just about everything about them, where they work, knew alot about them.
but now a days, we know much more people on the internet, than real live people in front of us.
we are a generation of computer addicts.
I've got friends I haven't even 'used' yet!
I always get choked up when I hear......
Outaservice (who's so sentimental)
the watchtower organisation has been guilty of major coverups and blatant lies.. it does not want ex jws telling others what they know.. does it ever occur to you that the watchtower have people who post on this board, gathering information about us?
they could use it against us at any time....they could keep a record of what we say on our posts and establish who we really are.. e.g.
people who i hardly ever speak to on this board suddenly seem to know details about me.
A lot of us do not care if or what the Watchtower knows about us or what they think of us. We publically confess we are opposed to their God dishonoring ways and have no fear of them.
If you need to keep yourself 'confidential' because of family or other reasons, then you do need to be careful what you say.
i work in the lending industry, im an account rep for a wholesale mortgage bank.
royal bank of canada in newyork.
edited by - hamptonite21 on 12 november 2002 22:40:6.
I sell Fuller Brush, Amway, Kirby Floor Sweepers, Avon, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Aluminum Cookware, and Watchtowers.
I made over $400 clear last year!