More generally, "fly" is slang for "hot" or "extremely good-looking" and can be used for either gender.
marlon wayans, co-star of scary movie, is co-host of the mtv video music awards on sept. 7.. by joel stein; marlon wayans .
q. i'm white, so i never saw the wayans brothers tv show.
was it any good?.
More generally, "fly" is slang for "hot" or "extremely good-looking" and can be used for either gender.
i am floundering!.
today my jw son told me that he had seen an email in our family account written to me from an exjw.
it contained very little, but enough to let him know that i was in contact with outsiders about my doubts and feelings.
Oh, my dear Lost,
We have already had this little conversation, but I must agree with those who say DEAL with the elders and don't say anything incriminating!!! If it means lying to save your relationship with your son, LIE (James & the others are right -- it's theocratic warfare -- now you're just on the other side!!!)
It is a REAL possiblity that your son has already been to the elders.
My girlfriend had asked me to go to the elders or write to the Society. I told her I had problems with that. She gave me no deadline (which at least your son DID!!!), but took it upon herself to speak to my book study conductor.
Now, he knew, but he NEVER APPROACHED ME directly. And SHE never told me she had gone to him, either, until later. Brother Conductor went to Brother P.O., who then called on me at my home with his pioneer wife (I was close to them, they were my blood card contacts as I had an unbelieving mate, she was my Medical Advocate). NOTHING WAS SAID DURING THEIR VISIT BY THEM about the real purpose behind their visit. Although I did admit to "having some issues" -- which I would not discuss in front of the P.O.'s wife. They encouraged me to get back to meetings and informed me of the Memorial Date, which I already knew, and time -- which I did not (we share a Hall). It was not UNTIL I MENTIONED TO MY GIRLFRIEND THAT THEY HAD CALLED that she 'fessed up that she had spoken to "the elders".
To her credit, when I asked her specifically WITH WHOM she had spoken and WHAT she had said, she told me straight. And after my non-appearance at the KH for another 2 weeks, I got the call requesting a meeting from the P.O.
Many of you know that I opted to DA myself rather than wait around to be DF'd. That was important TO ME to make it clear who was rejecting whom.
I had NO FAMILY LEFT in the Borg!!!
So I would not presume to tell you how to react. But DO be aware, that wheels may be turning behind the scene of which you have NOT been apprised.
Grovel, obfuscate, and KEEP YOUR FAMILY INTACT! It seems clear to me that's what you want at this point.
My heart is achin' for ya, luv!
"the first person to wish me a happy birthday gets dropped in the alligator moat," said prince as he walked into a conference room thursday at paisley park.. the story can be found at:.
yakki da.
"Prince was so talkative during the 90-minute news conference that he rhetorically asked reporters why property taxes are higher for Paisley Park than for his much-larger home. A reporter suggested that he ask the Chanhassen City Council. "I'm there," Prince said."
Have the local elders not explained to Brother Prince that meddling in politics is a no-no?
Oh, wait!
In some places voting is a conscience matter now, isn't it? Who has that "new light" WT reference, please?
"the first person to wish me a happy birthday gets dropped in the alligator moat," said prince as he walked into a conference room thursday at paisley park.. the story can be found at:.
yakki da.
[b]Me, either, Harmony![/b}
my flyers merely said: if as a jehovahs witness, a member of your family has been molested information is available for further information see: or call 1-877-wtabuse.. nothing overtly inflammatory, actually more like a public service announcement.. i guess thats what most of the local organizers and friends thought in my neck of the, woods for the first two days of the district convention!
but once the 'friends' realized that the website i was promoting with my flyers and moving car billboard was not an approved wt site, the powers that be got ... well ... pissed is the word!.
nobody bothered me on friday as i went smiling about my posting flyers on the light and utility poles on the routes to/from the convention site.
Thank you all for your kind words of support!
Bug Eye? I had a blast! I am just one person. You can DO this!!!
Flip and Francois?
Indeed, the flyers, etc. were MY agenda completely. My children knew of it -- I have 4 -- and only one volunteered to come help me. My son. They all know of silentlambs website though and what it's meant to combat.
On Sunday morning, I woke him early as we wanted to get there in plenty of time to post in those inaccessible places I mentioned -- no parking on the streets and not many parking lots nearby. He hemmed and hawed and finally admitted that he was scared to go with me.
(In my original plan, I had thought to actually go into the parking lot, park near a main entrance, and not put up my signs until critical traffic mass had arrived and even should the attendants want me to move and go away, I wouldn't be able to leave easily -- thus maximizing the ad's exposure. All the children knew of this, and knew I was prepared to resist the brother's direction until the police arrived, when I would allow myself to be talked into going peacefully rather than be arrested. So he "understood the implications.")
Because he was scared, I let him off the hook and went on myself to do more of what I had done the day before. No recrimination. I was to return home at 11:00 to take him to his soccer final.
Well, the game time got changed and when he called me at 10:45 to tell me so, I asked him if he would change his mind and not help me with the rest of the flyers in those hard to reach spots so that they could be up before lunch. He agreed.
You all know the rest.
What you don't know is that after I returned from the "school tour" and saw Brother Blueshirt in that left turn lane, I phoned home to tell my son about it and to tell him that the brother had still missed some of our strategically placed flyers. So he should be proud!
He wanted me to come home and let him come ride around with me for the exit crowd, but, unfortunately, it was too late.
(My son NEVER begged me to come home to take him out in FIELD SERVICE! )
And when the attendants pulled me over, he -- yelled -- "It's freedom of speech, freedom of speech!"
Oh, it WAS an adventure! And a lesson in standing up for what you believe in!
I agree. I thought of that parallel, too! In fact, at one point when standing on the street corner waiting to cross with a bunch of Witnesses, I was humming "Move Ahead, Move Ahead in your ministry!" and getting smiles all around! LOL
For those concerned for my safety,
Yes, I DID recognize that there were risks from some misguided zealot.
However, if I didn't mention this before: I had my cell phone dangling from my wrist, my car keys (with remote panic button) in my hand each and every time I got out of my car. PLUS, my car is a lease vehicle, leased to a huge corporation, and thus not traceable to my home. I felt reasonably secure.
hi folks.
i have notice that many here are always complaining about those wonderful assemblies that we used to attend?
why is everyone so ungrateful?.
"Of course the Watchtower could not afford to rent an air-conditioned hall"
At our District Convention site this was certainly true. The arena was NOT air conditioned. But the press box where all the visiting GB members and the convention heavies sat sure was! I guess they felt they had to look crisp and unwrinkled for their public performances.
Meanwhile those of us up on the third level were suffering profusely with the heat and the need to "stay alert" for the inspiring "food"!
(who knew more than one 'friend' who bought those battery-operated fans that misted you with water in order to endure ... endure.... yeah, that's the ticket "he who endures to the end is the one that will be saved." RIGHT??? [8>])
my flyers merely said: if as a jehovahs witness, a member of your family has been molested information is available for further information see: or call 1-877-wtabuse.. nothing overtly inflammatory, actually more like a public service announcement.. i guess thats what most of the local organizers and friends thought in my neck of the, woods for the first two days of the district convention!
but once the 'friends' realized that the website i was promoting with my flyers and moving car billboard was not an approved wt site, the powers that be got ... well ... pissed is the word!.
nobody bothered me on friday as i went smiling about my posting flyers on the light and utility poles on the routes to/from the convention site.
I agree. I was sort of caught unawares by the convention however. Normally it is around the 15th of the month. But only, I suppose, because the 15th is usually around the 2nd weekend in June! So it was only when I was out bringing the flyers around to elders' mailboxes last Thursday night and found the elder's wife outside raking grass, did it dawn on me that if she was home from meeting -- THE CONVENTION WAS THIS WEEKEND!
So I had to scramble!
Fortunately, I already had the flyers printed as well as the banners for the windshields.
I kept wishing that some media type had seen what went on. Oh, well!
Several Witnesses did see them accosting me, also many saw the Brother Blueshirt hopping in and out of the van on flyer patrol as they were exiting, and we all KNOW how fast gossip gets around!
I plan on posting another thread tomorrow on "Effective Apostatizing" which will highlight the helpful things gleaned from my experience of the last three days in case others WOULD like to do something similar.
The irony of it all is they just don't see how unloving they are. To them I was just a pesky wasp that they were instructed to swat!
As my friend said, "The incredible thing was that it took them TWO DAYS to understand that you might be a threat to them!"
So my only regret is that others who might wish to do something similar yet this year may find the going tougher from the get-go, because the Society will now be wise to it.
(Of course, inviting the properly prepped news media along might mitigate the 'harm' I've done.)
Gee, I hope silentlambs is ok with what I did.
my flyers merely said: if as a jehovahs witness, a member of your family has been molested information is available for further information see: or call 1-877-wtabuse.. nothing overtly inflammatory, actually more like a public service announcement.. i guess thats what most of the local organizers and friends thought in my neck of the, woods for the first two days of the district convention!
but once the 'friends' realized that the website i was promoting with my flyers and moving car billboard was not an approved wt site, the powers that be got ... well ... pissed is the word!.
nobody bothered me on friday as i went smiling about my posting flyers on the light and utility poles on the routes to/from the convention site.
Well, NikL,
I hope that for the first two days, the JayDubs walking around the convention area were noticing the flyers and saying how nice that there's a WT hotline to help the poor molested ones among us! The advertising flyer said NOTHING negative about the WT organization, so their brains should not have immediately registered "Apostate" with the resultant glazing over of the eyes!
For ALL days, I hope I raised awareness that there was such a help as The message was simple and the web address & phone number are VERY easy to remember. Yes, it was advertising, pure and simple. And there was goodwill from the rank & file, who are probably still scratching their heads about why the brother attendants were making such a fuss over something perceived as helpful. (Which, of course, it is!)
I also hope I got people curious about the internet.
Personally, I know a silentlamb or two who are still IN, and perhaps seeing me there will make them at least 'sneak a peak' at the site and move on...
I considered what they were doing harassment. Which we DO have laws against. But as they DID drive off and not follow me home or anything, and I DID have my own sports and school activities to attend to, I didn't hang around to entice them to stupidly follow me again! I was trying to take the moral high ground, which is why next year? .... I'll get a permit! LOL
Another thing. I was sorry in retrospect that I didn't whip out a notebook as soon as the first attendant came up to my window and start recording his name and congregation, and then that of the 2nd guy, too. I think that might've taken the wind out of their sails a bit, right away.
Oh, well, live and learn!
(did I mention that the town line was across the street from the arena and that the news from the one Police Dept. did not deter my son & I from advertising in the adjoining town on our way home?)
my name is ashley and i'm 17 years old.
i'm from abbotsford b.c., canada (an hour out of vancouver).
i have blond hair and blues eyes, thin, 5'5.
Welcome, Ashley!
Isn't it wonderful that there ARE congregations with such lovely names evoking sand and sea like Surfer's Paradise?
I have always wanted to visit Australia, too. AND New Zealand! I guess since Australia and Canada are both Commonwealth countries, it's easier to get work permits?
I have a 17 year old daughter who will graduate high school next year and is planning on attending college, even though she's a bit apprehensive about it. She's seen firsthand how difficult it has been for her Witness cousin to try to make it financially without any university. (The cousin finally went to school to get her Certified Nurse's Aid training and is doing much better now!) We live in the States now. But we lived in Ontario for 7 years, as my husband is Canadian.
It will be refreshing to hear another young person's voice on this board!
Again, welcome!
my flyers merely said: if as a jehovahs witness, a member of your family has been molested information is available for further information see: or call 1-877-wtabuse.. nothing overtly inflammatory, actually more like a public service announcement.. i guess thats what most of the local organizers and friends thought in my neck of the, woods for the first two days of the district convention!
but once the 'friends' realized that the website i was promoting with my flyers and moving car billboard was not an approved wt site, the powers that be got ... well ... pissed is the word!.
nobody bothered me on friday as i went smiling about my posting flyers on the light and utility poles on the routes to/from the convention site.
JanG --
My mom (never was a witless)'s reaction?
"I know of no religion that teaches you to shun your parishoners and that sends a force out to scare you when you disagree with them and is so worried about their hold on the congregation that they have to resort to this act. freedom of religion whew!!! this is USA."
"so they can be mean and agressive."
"In the name of God?"
"religious wars are very difficult."
Me: lolololol!
Mom: "I am laughing but I hope there are people who wakeup as you
Me, too, Mom, me too!