I just wanted to say that I think it's disgusting that JW's refer to people who happen not to be in their religion as "worldlies." Like we're not even people, just some other group, like aliens. I suspect JW's would also not be beneath calling homosexual people "the gays" which is kind of similar. This overt or covert bashing of what they call worldly people happens a lot at meetings, I gather, but it happened to me for the first time when I was at the horrible Sunday WT study meeting where they went over the "mentally diseased" article and how to shun your loved ones. This would have been Oct or Nov of last year, I think. I've been fuming about it ever since. I have never encountered less love and more self-righteousness in such a short amount of time.
I attend meetings sometimes with my husband's JW daughter and her crazy family, just to insinuate myself and keep tabs on everything. This us vs. them attitude (or holier than thou if you prefer) is awful and I plan to combat it by introducing her to more "worldlies" at volunteer events and other public stuff. But every time I plan something, it's "no, I have phone service this morning" or "I have a special meeting at the KH" or "I have to study my watchtower." Grrr. It seems like there is never a good reason for missing any type of JW event.
Sorry, just one of us worldlies venting.