You're back, gonna party?
Hope you still go to H20 parties!
Ozzie (of happy servant class)
message from genoa/italy for all brothers/sisters of all the world.dears brothers and sisters.a member of governing body, in the 1998, have said that millenium bug has been cause of this bad economics conditions, priming this mondial-recession.very soon to exist seriously, all in the world, the condition that "the money is trown on the roads and pubblics squares" beacause greats hails are going down from sky (millenium bug is it first hail-storm).second this economist anointed brother, the money, already now don't value never moore, beacause the dollar it's supported only on worked of the people, based on the production of the country.if there's not this production, the money to cease to have the his intrinsic value.
01/03/2001 greenspann has annunciated "recession it's to doors".when the nations and peoples know this think, there's the "crack", wall street included.geova is informing his people .attention!
!brothers and sisters,great tribolation is to door, nay, have already open it, and is entering, also all in to congregations of the world.this condition is dangerious for all mans and womans.do you want to die for caresty?ignore this message!!
You're back, gonna party?
Hope you still go to H20 parties!
Ozzie (of happy servant class)
message from genoa/italy for all brothers/sisters of all the world.dears brothers and sisters.a member of governing body, in the 1998, have said that millenium bug has been cause of this bad economics conditions, priming this mondial-recession.very soon to exist seriously, all in the world, the condition that "the money is trown on the roads and pubblics squares" beacause greats hails are going down from sky (millenium bug is it first hail-storm).second this economist anointed brother, the money, already now don't value never moore, beacause the dollar it's supported only on worked of the people, based on the production of the country.if there's not this production, the money to cease to have the his intrinsic value.
01/03/2001 greenspann has annunciated "recession it's to doors".when the nations and peoples know this think, there's the "crack", wall street included.geova is informing his people .attention!
!brothers and sisters,great tribolation is to door, nay, have already open it, and is entering, also all in to congregations of the world.this condition is dangerious for all mans and womans.do you want to die for caresty?ignore this message!!
Enrico, my brother,
How could they doubt that you are a Jehovah's Witness?
Seems clear to me that you have all the qualifications.
Ozzie (of the true brothers class)
despite the ranting in some of the posts on this board i thought today was a good day.
today, march 1 (for me still right now) can be regarded as the first day of spring unless youre a stickler for changing the season on the equinox.
today was the first morning in umpteen days that i woke to outside temperatures above 0 degrees.
That's not the case in the magical land of Oz where winter is a thing of the past!
Ozzie (Wizard class)
*** w57 5/15 313-5 appreciating basic christian publications *** .
...their zeal for knowledge may even prompt them to dig back into things that were published long before they came into the truth, expanding and deepening their understanding, and ever growing in christian maturity... .
do you dig out older publications to expand and deepen your knowledge on subjects about which questions arise?
It's interesting, isn't it, Mac, that if the brothers and sisters did just that, how confused they would be? Did such and such mean this or that?
The point you quoted was repeated in the Watchtower of June 15, 1985, on page 12: "It requires digging deeper, putting forth effort to locate that older publication and then studying the pages referred to."
The problem is, that research using the Watchtower Library CD-ROM, is limited in the case of The Watchtower to all isuues from 1950, and in the case of Awake! from 1970. This is partly acknowledged in an article in the Watchtower of November 1, 1994, on page 29: "Most of the publications printed by the Society during the last 20 years are still available"
Ozzie (of the checking it out class)
when i was a kid and being forced to sit through hours of jw gobbledygook at the kh, i was always disconcerted by the "witnessy" language that was in use.. looking back now, i can see that having a private language, a language that only makes sense to the in crowd, is just one way in which devotees are bound into jw life.. i`ve recently been intrigued to come across some new and previously unknown phrases.
this occurred during a lively dicussion with a jw who felt that it was ok to talk to me as he had his very own "private pipeline to jehovah".. i`d just finished telling him how pleased i was that i had bailed out prior to 1975, when he said the following (in bold) phrases which he used over and over again:.
let me tell you, young man, that i am a servant of the most high god jehovah!
Are you sure? Couldn't it be servant of the Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses? It pays to keep up to date with Kingdom Truth!!!!!!!!
Ozzie (of the Dymo labelling class)
hello, here is an interesting question: when did jesus .
inspect the spiritual temple?.
*** w98 8/15 20 strengthening our confidence in god's righteousness ***.
Good prisca, and welcome Mac to this happy land,
Have you ever thought that you have a natural inclination to identify with the person Ruth? It seeems a little strange that that is where, oerhaps for most of us, our sympathies lie. Indeed, we could look at all the descriptions of the relationship between Maomi and Ruth in the Society's publications, and we see our sympathies are drawn towards Ruth.
I wonder, was there something subliminal here? That is, that because it was believed that most of the readers should now be of the Ruth"class" they wanted to paint as good a picture of her side of the relationship as possible.
Just a thought.
all irregular and inactive publishers will be pleased with the heartwarming news that april will see a special campaign by the elders to encourage you.
yes, don't faint, it must be true because the april kingdom ministry says so.
in fact, so strong is the forecasted encouragement, that it states on paragraph 25 of the insert article:.
RedhorseWoman: A sister elder, perhaps? !!!!!
why is it that drinking is so widely accepted amongst jw's when the bible has this to say about it?.
*** rbi8 proverbs 20:1 ***.
20 wine is a ridiculer, intoxicating liquor is boisterous, and everyone going astray by it is not wise.. here the bible say's clearly it is not a good idea to get stuck in to the drinks but i guess the writers of proverbs, inspired as they were, did not fully agree on the drinking issue because later one of them wrote:.
Greetings from the land downunder, O High Priest,
You might like to do further research on the meaning of Proverbs 31 (not in the limited WT publications).
Verses 4 and 5 seems to show a God who understands the poor. We in affluent lands may find it hard to understand the some of the poor in the world's urban slums spending their limited funds on alcohol. Here in Proverbs 31:7 God is showing us the reality for many people in these circumstances, namely "let them drink and forget their poverty".
Ozzie (of the moderation class)
all irregular and inactive publishers will be pleased with the heartwarming news that april will see a special campaign by the elders to encourage you.
yes, don't faint, it must be true because the april kingdom ministry says so.
in fact, so strong is the forecasted encouragement, that it states on paragraph 25 of the insert article:.
Well done, old son, Thirdson, on gaining your status as a Senior Member.
We should do a poll on what makes us feel good about this status. Methinks it has something to do with the elder class mentality, or am I just being sanguine today? !
Anyhow, thanks for your post. It's somewhat gentler here than H20 isn't it?
Ozzie (of the not so proud to be an elder class)
i mean c'mon people, how long are 'we' going to vent?
i have met people who have been 'out' for well over twenty years, and they still talk about the watchtower as if they never left or as if they left yesterdayrr in a response on the thread: don't you have a single good thing to say?'.
are we perhaps all whistling in the dark?
I've read your words Monsieur Frenchy but there's something I don't understand, that is when you ask the question "Which is better, Kansas or the land of Oz?"
Kansas - a state of the USA
Oz - a magical land inhabited by friendly funloving people
I'd rather live in a land rather than a state any day. OK you Kansas boys it may be a state of excitement you're in, but we've got the weather - see!
But Frenchy, why did you pick on Kansas - what have you got against it?
Do tell, I'm curious
Ozzie (aka The Wizard)