JoinedTopics Started by ozziepost
August issue is now up on JW.com
by ozziepost injust a heads up that the english version with the changed cover is now up on jw.com.. i haven’t yet read it but if any you have the time i’m looking forward to people’s insights.. in the meantime i must find a red 🍷.
ozzie (of the ‘is he still here?’ class ).
Need help - the Revelation Climax book
by ozziepost inis it an original from the graphics department?.
anyone know?.
Does he really have a sex problem ?
by ozziepost inlike many, i’ve been bemused at lloyd evan’s excuses/reasons for his lusting after prostitutes.
apparently, as he claims in his disastrous video, he blames his wife for being inadequate between the sheets.. could the real answer to his ‘problem’ be closer to home?.
perhaps if he consulted a medical person or even a sex therapist he may learn his “problem” is not down to the borg at all, it may simply be caused by his weight i.e.
Autocracies abound
by ozziepost inwith present troubles around the world highlighting the role of autocrats, can dubs truly believe they’re immune?.
take the study article 6 in the february issue of the craptower.
one paragraph that will be read and obeyed states:.
So what did the circuit overseers do during lockdown?
by ozziepost inso reading that the dubs are going back to their kingdumb halls got me thinking, i guess they haven’t been getting their regular inspections from thier circuit overseers.
if they haven’t had their meetings, the inspectors couldn’t visit - or did they?
i’m intrigued.
Hi people!
by ozziepost inhi guys, owyergoin?
(that’s australian for youse foreigners!
haven’t called in quite a while but just called by to say “i’m still standing and still enjoying shiraz !.
A new type of shiraz
by ozziepost inwell-known amongst friends and acquaintances for my love of a shiraz, ive been given something new to try for christmas.
its a shiraz viognier, produced by the method of co-fermentation of red shiraz grapes mixed with white viognier grapes.
they are mixed before the wine is made when the addition of white grapes at this stage is thought to preserve the brightness of the red pigments during fermentation, as well as altering the development of some of the flavour compounds.. a typical shiraz viognier wine will contain between two and seven percent of the white variety.
So what's the latest on Circuit Overseers?
by ozziepost inlast year i was reading plenty about the demise of circuit overseers.. anyone know if it happened?
or was it just a rumor?.
don't tell me i missed out!!.
Ozzie's first post on JWN
by ozziepost inwell, i was curious to see if i still had it in me!.
i've got a thought.
would i rather post here as first choice or there on jwd?