That reminds me of the story of the man bashing his head against the wall, and when asked why he did it, replied "Because it feels so good when I stop"!
good and evil.
two basic polarities.
would someone care to please define them, and the difference between them?.
That reminds me of the story of the man bashing his head against the wall, and when asked why he did it, replied "Because it feels so good when I stop"!
i would like to know who is an atheist here and why you like to take part in discussions on this board?.
thanks for your replies.
G'day all,
Have you wondered why exJWs more often than not become agnostic?
No doubt there are a number of reasons, but could one be that the Witness organisation conditions its members to disregard Jesus? They talk about him, but don't have him as their Lord. They have replaced him with a publishing organisation with bureaucrats and functionaries as its ministers.
Just a thought.
i have a question.. the wts likes to boast about the "photo drama" produced from 1912 and shown in 1914 onwards.
there is an article again on this subject in the jan 15, 2001 watchtower (yes, i know i am milking that one watchtower i have for all it's worth!)..
a couple of comments and then my question.
Say unc,
The possibilities are endless:
Did Eve get her belly button from some kinda gestation process out of the rib?
Was it a slip of the artist's brush?
Was it some kind of erotic dream the artist was having?
Or, were they just plain wrong?
Thanks, Borg, for bringing us more fantasmagorical truths. Now there's a contradiction, eh?
knorr and the masonic temple.
what went wrong with the masons?.
in 1950 they were in favour with the org but by the 70's they were part of b the g.. who decided and when.. "presidential visit to northern south america".
I remember as a child, we regularly attended Circuit Assemblies in Masonic Lodges. Pretty spartan, from what I remember, but large. In those days there were no assembly Halls of course, and large meeting halls were in short supply.
interesting to think whether if the circumstances were repeated, whether the brothers would hire those Lodges again.
Ozzie (who wonders whether history repeats itself)
the men who run the watchtower society tell us that jesus christ appointed them over all his belongings, spiritually speaking, in the year 1919. they point to christ's parable of "the faithful and discreet slave" found in matthew 24:45-47 to support this teaching.
my question for jehovah's witnesses is how do they know that he did?
did christ tell them he did so while appearing to them in a dream or vision?
G'day aChristian,
Good post, mate. Well said.
Witnesses employ some circular reasoning on this one. They say the evidence is that the belongings were gathered and are evident on the world scene. Therefore, they claim, they have been appointed. Which is like saying: How do we know? We know because lotsa people believe it!!!
Ozzie (who has found circular saws dangerous)
good and evil.
two basic polarities.
would someone care to please define them, and the difference between them?.
Postscript to my post above:
Please note that others in the Bible are spoken of as "good".
For example: 1 Peter 2:18 refers to some slave ownres as being "good".
good and evil.
two basic polarities.
would someone care to please define them, and the difference between them?.
Sorry, logical, this time I can't agree with your comment on Jesus' words "no-one is good, except the Father."
Your comment is actually a JW response.
When Jesus uttered those words, he was not saying that he was not good. He was forcing the man to recognise that his only hope was in total reliance on God, who alone can give eternal life.
As ianao pointed out, if Jesus was not good, how come he was sinless?
In the words of the Mitsubishi ad: "Please consider"
always late .
one of the watchtower society favorite themes is how incredibly late it is.
it is in fact always later than you think.
Thanks for highlighting this, Norm.
Seems to me that The TWs, along with other endtimers abuse the position described by the apostles in quoting Jesus.
For example, John, on the Isle of Patmos and needeing encouragement, receives the Revelation. The Lord said to him, amongst other things,: "Behold, I am coming soon!" (Rev 22:7) What was meant by the expression "soon"? Notice that Jesus uses the same expression to the congregation in Pergamum:"I will soon come to you" (2:16), and to the congregation at Philadelphia: "I am coming soon" (3:11).
The W/T Society have transferred the application of these sayings to the time since 1914, but the question should be, Why? These expressions were spoken to those actually receiving Christ's words in the first century. So when Jesus said to John that he was coming soon, we may say He is still coming soon. And when he does, every eye will see him. Could it be then that the date of 1914 is immaterial to the coming "soon"?
carey barber ..................b 1905. lyman swingle.................b 1910. albert schroeder.............. b 1911. john barr ..................... b 1913. daniel sydlik...................b 1919. milton henschel ...............b 1920. theodore jaracz...............b 1924. and.
guy pierce .....................b 1934 (b.
1 year before end of h.c.)*.
G'day Mac,
What really intrigues me about the newbies on the GB is this:
When they started taking the emblems, how were they regarded in their local Kingdom Hall?
We all have seen the sideways glances at those partaking of the emblems, the snide comments, etc. So how about these guys? How did they break through the glass ceiling as it were and become accepted, even rising to the big round table?
And here we have a situation where the GB is getting younger despite the sealing being completed in 1935. There sure were a lot of replacements, weren't there? It makes you wonder where all the unfaithful anointed are?
discarding of plastic objects by the thoughtless creates problems and is handily pointed out by the wts and besides it must be a real pain to trip over plastic bottles and stuff , particularly if youre in the countryside...................... *** w93 2/15 3 paradise or garbage dump-which do you prefer?
***crossing the spacious sand dunes bordering the seashore, he carefully picked his way through a litter of discarded bottles, cans, plastic bags, chewing-gum and candy wrappers, newspapers, and magazines.
clearly irritated, he wondered if this was the paradise he had traveled to reach.. but witnesses are different......................... *** w93 2/15 5 rooting out pollution from heart and mind ***what motivates jehovahs witnesses to be different, while the world in general shows such little appreciation for cleanliness and order?
Congrats ISP, this is a good one.
It's got me thinking about putting the lit online. They could say this was 'simplification', then have Service Meeting parts to instruct the R&F how to go from house to house seeking donations only. They wouldn't have to worry about the literature at all. How simple! Do you think that in 10 years time they might provide donation envelopes to hand out at the doors?
Ozzie (Simplification Overseer [sounds good, eh?])