All these ancient scriptures are based on lots of Gods,,, Annunaki deities with Enki and Enlil. I believe these were extra terrestials that came to earth to conquer it. They found a young civilisation that worshipped ET's at the time and refered to them as Gods as they had all these powers (ET's can be refered to as Angels inthe bible) Enki and Enlil were brothers, one was good, one was evil. They wanted to take control of the earth's resorces especially Gold. (wonder why humanity treats gold as precious) They upgraded the human gene, esp Enlil was a master genesist, he had skils. At the time they were refered to as Gods by the common primitive people. They made us in their image, we could think like them,,know the truth and know the good and evil, maybe close to doing things they could so. We were given a choice. Now ET can shape shift to whatever. THe good bother changed to a snake ans told even to eat from the tree. The other brother went crazy and kicked them out for disobeying him. Whats wrong in gaining knowledge? It could have set them free.
Both brothers fought alot. There was one that wanted peace and loved the humanrace, the other wanted humans to be slaves for Gold. THey divided people into tribes, their father might have been refered to the Almight one. Read up on the Annunaki, you wil find tons on info on You tube or just google. If you read the old testament with this hints you will realise it is an interesting book. Keep in mind, this implies that ET's were refered to as angels by primitive men those days. They had different ET's visiting them and posing as gods. They interefered inthe human race for there own Agenda. With these tribes came the bloodlines,,,, they are the same ones that rule us to this day. Most US presidents are connected, look at the Queen and the 13 bloodline that control the world. Guess who in it? The Russels (founder of JW). When you have this knowledge whats written inthe bible word for word becomes irrelevant. Remember it was converted to english. Look at the Sumerian Tablets,,older than the bible. I saw a reference above bout Zacharia Sitchins,, he got the publicity but do not agree with some of his opinons. Well you heard of the Annunaki returning? These are the fathers of these bloodlines including the pope and queen. not forgeting Zionist Jews. They are to rule till their God Jehova the Annunaki returns. Why are they trying to start the WW3? Why do JW love destruction, they follow a God of war not peace. Bible talks about two different Gods but its been enterpreted to being one God that why there is so much confusion. OR you can say he is a 2 faced God with multiple personalities. (Why did Jehova not allow men see his face? If you saw him, you would die) They were just extraterrestrials of service to self. Some Suggest he was really ugly or was a reptilian that's why no man could see him and die. Read on,, they truth will set you free. Happy story telling,, that what they bible is. read it with an open mind,, and youw ill be like wow,, I am ready for positive ET's to show themselves. As for Jesus like allother masters, he came too early inthis sycle to wake us up, though there have been many masters, Gandhi, mohammed and the rest.
@King Solomon,, Right on YWH, was the God of War. Period. He still has alot of influence in todays goverments. They still do all the rituals as they did back then. He was and still is a ruthless God. I am ashamed to have associated myself with him. Do I want to be his witness, Hell to the NO.