Really funny. William Penwell is that a guy with a shoulder purse in the comic? Man alive I've missed a lot since I left!
Posts by Panda
Just what constitutes a "good seat" at an assembly?
by xjw_b12 inblondies post on an earlier thread re the gate crashers at the assemblies running to "save" the best seats got me to thinking..
just what constitutes a "good seat" at an assembly?
i've never quite understood that.
WOW, I remember the days of begging early risers to save us seats. I also remember realizing how uncomfortable and bored I'd get at the assemblies. I always stayed at the hotel or home for at least one day. I think now that the best seats were the ones with leg room if I had to be there at all. So, the best seats were the ones in front of the tv watching R rated movies on the hotel cable!
Just what constitutes a "good seat" at an assembly?
by xjw_b12 inblondies post on an earlier thread re the gate crashers at the assemblies running to "save" the best seats got me to thinking..
just what constitutes a "good seat" at an assembly?
i've never quite understood that.
Oh I almost forgot to ask... did anyone else do restroom cleaning in their new clothes? What a disaster! That'll teach the women not to buy new stuff for every assembly day!
Top 10 signs that you are in the wrong church
by NeonMadman intop 10 signs that you are in the wrong church .
10. the church bus has gun racks.. 9. the church staff consists of senior pastor, associate pastor and sociopastor.. 8. the bible they use is the dr. seuss version.. 7. there is an atm in the lobby.. 6. the choir wears leather robes.. 5. the worship services are b.y.o.s.
(bring your own snake).. 4. there's no cover charge but communion is a two-drink minimum.. 3. the pastor regularly attends meetings in las vegas and atlantic city.. 2. the ushers ask, "smoking or non-smoking?".
LOL Very Very funny ... But what about more than the top ten signs you're in the wrong church?
Coming out of the closet/Blowing my cover/My story and I'm sticking to it!
by HadEnuf indear friends:.
what a pleasure it has been to browse this website over the past couple of years...first as a lurker and then as a member.
i now intend to "come out of the closet"...blow my cover and tell you my story (and i'm sticking to it!).
Welcome, Cathy Laszewski
Your story and others like it are the bits of life that will help us all remember what the WTS has done to so many. Recently some friends who are still "in" (but talk to me anyway ---go figure) went through this same wedding fiasco. The grandmother of the bride told the elders that the engaged couple were dating w/o a chaperone. HORRORS. Well you know the rest... Total at their wedding SIX, 8 if you count the bride and groom. (they ended up getting married on a cruise ship so the families wouldn't ruin the day for them).
My husband and I were reg. pioneers in EauClaire WI from 1978 to 1983 (well only reg.pio for 2 years) I've been free since my 1997 letter of DA'ing, but hubby has faded (which is just fine with me).
Again Welcome, Panda aka Therese Pantazakos
I am going to try hanging out with you people
by CruithneLaLuna inhello, new member here.. i registered a couple of years ago, but my initial experiences here were not of the warm/fuzzy variety, which must have been what i needed at the time; so, i left.
recenty, a friend gently suggested that i might want to give interacting here a second try.. so's i don't have to type it twice, i offer here a hyperlink to my member profile.. although one might reasonably be named "cruithne" - especially if one is irish or scottish - it is not my real name.
well, of course it is my real name, in that i choose to be known by it.
Dear Cru, Well I joined and then drifted away for awhile then got back on this summer.I have found several old aquaintences which is great. With the internet I think more and more dubs will be leaving and looking for a place like this... tons of independent thinking, don't cha love it?
Welcome Welcome , Panda
Born okay the first time.
Darwin Fish
by Panda inmany christians today use the fish symbol on their vehicles etc to show that they are christian .
(despite the actual pagan origination of said fish)?
well then came along the fish w/ "darwin" written in the center and the fish had legs.
Thanks everyone!!!! I am fortunate to live in a small Texas town where eccentrics abound. When you don't agree with someone you just say.."well she's/he's okay." I mean we have 99 yr olds still driving around, and there's so little traffic that it's quite entertaining. My point, my Darwin fish won't bother anyone. My hairdresser said "ya' know Therese they won't let you into the BoyScouts ." Life after the jws has been good.
Thanks again.
Darwin Fish
by Panda inmany christians today use the fish symbol on their vehicles etc to show that they are christian .
(despite the actual pagan origination of said fish)?
well then came along the fish w/ "darwin" written in the center and the fish had legs.
Many christians today use the fish symbol on their vehicles etc to show that they are christian
(despite the actual pagan origination of said fish)?
Well then came along the fish w/ "Darwin" written in the center and the fish had legs. I'm looking for someplace to get that Darwin fish, so if you know please post. Thanks, Therese
So many right-wing christians ... so few lions.
A sobering week
by onacruse in.
this last week i've been doing some painting at a care facility.
quadraplegics, schizophrenics, autistics, down's syndrome.. they come out (or look out, or stare out) of their rooms and "talk" with me while i'm working.. i don't really know how to put this into words, but.... i've got a helluvalot to be thankful for, and "god" has a hellovalot to answer for.. craig
Craig, I so agree with you on this point. What kind of a God would allow this type of suffering? And we're still supposed to believe that God is love.? My friend Carol has a 2yr old who has had seizures since birth. This child suffers from hospital stays and tests. She gets rehab and a visiting nurse who works w/ her but next big seizure she's back to crawling, not walking and must learn words again. I've seen my sister inlaw near death after years of pain, needing a new liver and the medical profession just left her hanging on... she finally got her liver but why did she have to get the disease in the first place?
Realistically I view diseases as part of life, there is no grand plan or planner.
what is the # 1 reason people join the JW's ??? what attracts people ???
by run dont walk inbeing brought up in the borg, i always envied my friends that did not have to go in service, go to meetings, and waste their weekends away, i have never really been able to understand why someone would join the jw's unless they were born (forced) into it.
aside from maybe coming from an abusive lifestyle or relationship, or had serious drug/alcohol problems, this i could understand how the religion helped them get back on track.
so why do people join ???
I was 22 when I joined. I appreciated the bible study and did some study in the library about the name Jehovah, next the people were really nice and welcoming, heck I quit smoking everything to be a jw. I think it was the idea of bible study that first got me interested . But the people who presented the original bible lit and wanted to study were friends who had recently joined which made it that much easier. We were the group who came in after '75 and didn't learn the truth of it until a few years ago. I've got to praise the internet creators, this is the best and fastest way to get info.