I have been a JW all of my life. After being burned out as an MS and getting tired of waiting for the end to come, and other things, I decided to start the fade process a month ago (want to keep family ties open) and start living my life. I've noted few points gave me serious doubts about my current course. I'm curious what are your thoughts on these?
1. After my many years of service I saw time and time again how family member and friends that really put themselves on the line and needed help and earnestly prayed for it never got the help that they were supposed to get from the holy spirit. It made me conclude that there is a good chance there is no Holy Spirit "magic" that really provides assistance as they would have you believe. So why are we asked to pray for it when it really has no observable effect?
2. I have never liked meetings and service, its always been an akward, uncomfortable and boring (E.G. every year we have to learn why we need to go to all three days of convention-are we little kids!) experience for me. One night I was pondering this and I thought that even if I make it to paradise that implies 1000 years of bible studies and meetings (WT style) followed by another test. Everyone makes paradise sound so wonderful but is it really? Sure the earth will be cleaned up no dying etc. However real freedom will never exist, you'll still have to go to meeting and do bible studies and worship. In other words walking the Godly way is not for those who want to do what they want to do really? I just get really depressed when I think of 1000 years of meetings and bible studies with resurrected.
3. Why did God invent the sword before man ever knew anything of war? Cherubs gaurding eden with "flaming sword", but then we are supposed to shun all war and violence?