Is it too much to ask the "CREATOR" in this technological, scientific age to give us a modern update for his intentions?

by smiddy 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    Is this a fair question to put to Jehovah / Yahweh or whoever ? In all sincerity I do not mean any disrespect to any beleivers in the GOD of the bible, but this is a truly remarkable age with communication advances incomparable with 2000 years ago , If the creator or Jesus Christ were truly interested in giving everybody the chance of everlasting life , wouldn`t they be giving people the opportunity to hear a more current up to date warning now ? and not relying on messages in languages that are not in use today and are subject to so many different interpretations ?


  • tec

    He never planned to annihilate 99% of the earths population in the first place. So it is only a question to put to the men who created that spin on what is written.

    Sometimes we ask questions to things that do not e x ist, like this question. "Are you still planning on killing most of us?" He never planned on it in the first place. So the question is not of a real issue. The only reason we ask it is because we look to the WTS or the Pope or whatever... instead of the One He did give to us to be able to see and follow and know Him.

    I realize that your thread is asking for more than just an answer to this one question. You are asking for better communication. So ask Him to help you. Communication with God doesn't come in a book, on paper, over the phone, over the computer. Communication is done through the spirit. So ask God to send His Spirit... ask for ears to hear Him. Look to Christ. This is how he communicates with us.

    Through Him we can understand better what is written, but we have to go to Him first. (you keep searching the scriptures to find life... but you refuse to come to ME)

    The bible is not God's means of communication. It is just a recording of events that happened, and witness accounts that point to Christ. Christ and spirit are the means through which God communicates with us.



  • botchtowersociety

    Go ahead and ask him. Maybe you'll get an answer that satisfies you.

  • WTWizard

    What about if God were more understanding that there are lots of religious scams and not requiring any faith from us? Or, understanding that Christi-SCAM-ity has been forced on most of the world, and along with Judaism, has destroyed most of the original religions in the past? Or, that thanks to Christi-SCAM-ity and Judaism, the true religion has been obliterated and we will never know what it is?

    There is no need for Jehovah to insist on absolute faith when there is so much of this rubbish going on. When a dominant religion (Judaism) goes to foreign lands and destroys all evidence of what may well have been the truth, then corrupts it with its own rubbish to make sure only the leaders get access to it, the people no longer have access to the real truth. Then, Christi-SCAM-ity compounds the problem, adding its own missionaries to destroy the truth even in the Tibet region. They have successfully stamped out the real truth, and no one has any real way of knowing about it. Even so, Jehovah is so unfair that he expects us to have total faith that we are being told the real truth.

  • tootired2care

    He never planned to annihilate 99% of the earths population in the first place.

    @TEC if that is the case than I'd sure be interested to see what bible you've been reading that brought you to that conclusion. Taking your advise and searching the scriptures...If you look at Matt 7:13 and compare with 2Thes 1:6, you'll see that God does intend to kill most of the earths population off (maybe not 90% exactly) that does not do things his way (e.g. living a life of selflessness with just the bare neccessities, endlessly preaching etc Matt 6:33, Matt 28:19,20).

    Don't believe me still?

    “This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘Look! A calamity is going forth from nation to nation, and a great tempest itself will be roused up from the remotest parts of the earth. 33 And those slain by Jehovah will certainly come to be in that day from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. They will not be bewailed, neither will they be gathered up or be buried. As manure on the surface of the ground they will become.’ -Jer 25:32-33

    “The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying [of it] very much. The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There a mighty man is letting out a cry. 15 That day is a day of fury, a day of distress and of anguish, a day of storm and of desolation, a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick gloom, 16 a day of horn and of alarm signal, against the fortified cities and against the high corner towers. 17 And I will cause distress to mankind, and they will certainly walk like blind men; because it is against Jehovah that they have sinned. And their blood will actually be poured out like dust, and their bowels like the dung. 18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah’s fury; but by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be devoured, because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth. - Zeph 1:14-18

    His intentions are clear as day. I agree with Smiddy though we're overdue for some communication from the high command! People eventually get tired of waiting for the end.

  • Notreadytorun

    good question smiddy! i wonder the same thing.

    tec i quite like your answer - you are more spiritually minded than many of the dubs i know. Prayer is so important. I need to start praying again - must learn to seperate God and the bible from the religion i was brought up in.

  • djeggnog


    Is it too much to ask the "CREATOR" in this technological, scientific age to give us a modern update for his intentions ? I mean does he still plan to annihilate 99% of earths population on what was written 2000 years ago ?

    Yes, it is too much to ask. You have a book, so what more do you want in the way of communication from the Most High?

    Is this a fair question to put to Jehovah / Yahweh or whoever ?

    It is if you do not yet know his name, yes. If I made you and gave you life, and I provided a book that you didn't quite understand, but it was clear from your having read it that I am God, the one that cause that book to be written, and you feigned not knowing me, I'd deduce from this that you had no interest whatsoever in becoming one of that 1% that were among the survivors when I annihilated the earth's wicked human inhabitants.

    In all sincerity I do not mean any disrespect to any [believers] in the GOD of the bible, but this is a truly remarkable age with communication advances incomparable with 2000 years ago , If the creator or Jesus Christ were truly interested in giving everybody the chance of everlasting life , wouldn`t they be giving people the opportunity to hear a more current up to date warning now ? and not relying on messages in languages that are not in use today and are subject to so many different interpretations ?

    No. Furthermore, these "messages" to which you refer are available for your reading consumption and instruction in your own language, so if you fail to take heed to these messages contained in Jehovah's book, the Bible, then you will have identified yourself with the 99%, and these will positively die. Those that are obedient will live; those that are disobedient will die, and as far as all of these technological advances that have been made, you won't be able to take any of them with you, but other people not of that 99% will inherit those technological advances along here in the earthly realm of God's Kingdom.

    Jehovah knows what you need and he knows that you don't need another warning. Don't worry: God knows from examining your heart who really wants to serve him and who does not want to serve him. It's like this: Those wanting to serve God will him will obey him and those that don't will simply not obey him.


  • Phizzy

    The Bible came long after the Christian religion started, is not reliable, cannot be, we do not have what was originally written, and as the O.P said ,is 2000years past its sell by date.

    TheJW's would say that their old farts on the GB give them regular updates, so regular most of them can't keep up.

    I think it is high time that God came in to the 21st Century and gave us a little hint as to whats up, and even, which end is up.


    "smiddy Is this a fair question to put to Jehovah / Yahweh or whoever ?"

    In my experience gods are less tetchy and prone to violence if they are provided with plenty of praise and ambrosia. A little worship, even grovelling, also helps them control their temper.

    Treat them as you would yourself and they will serve you well. They are, after all, made in our image.

  • Larsinger58

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