7. And whatever you do, never, ever, ponder the implications of real life tragedies that have been happening for mellenia like this.
JoinedPosts by tootired2care
How to Avoid the Faithless Spirit of most here-
by DocHouse in1- pray to god (whomever you may imagine him to be) asking for understanding.
2- study the background about the bible (from non-religious sources) to see where it came from.
3- discard (or at least set aside) chuyrch claims and dogma.. 4- read it, looking up archaeological/historical sources about the places and peoples referred to.
I know there is NO GOD
by jam inisis, plain and simple.
if there is a god there is no way he.
would allow this to occur (beheading of james foley).
"About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad's biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers."
Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy
I know there is NO GOD
by jam inisis, plain and simple.
if there is a god there is no way he.
would allow this to occur (beheading of james foley).
So it sounds like you actually believe the myth that Islam is a religion of peace. If you compare the Q'uran to the new testament I seriously doubt you would say that true believers of Islam want peace with non-beleivers.
I know there is NO GOD
by jam inisis, plain and simple.
if there is a god there is no way he.
would allow this to occur (beheading of james foley).
Why would you want to kill Aasif Mandvi?
Why would anyone? he is not one of the irrational brainwashed Muslims, who would murder mothers and babies at the local market because someone made satire of Mohammad. The people that i'm speaking of would, and these are the humorless people the world needs to worry about. They can be routed out, with unrelenting satire of Mohammad.
Destroying and replacing Muslim beliefs
Islam may appear hard, but it is also brittle. A small crack anywhere in the structure can spread throughout. Islam claims that the Koran is the literal word of God, which was dictated to, but not written by, Mohammed .
So it's an all-or-nothing cult. Any fault in the Koran, or doubts as to the truthfulness of Mohammed , can cause the whole system to disintegrate. Muslims already subconsciously realise this, because they fly into tantrums whenever either Mohammed or the Koran is 'disrespected' . Under Sharia law any criticism or either Mohammed or the Koran is blasphemy which is punished by death.
This paranoid, hypersensitive defensiveness and outrage at criticism are not the reactions of a confident belief system, but of an information-control cult. These reactions are evidence of an attempt to protect a fatal vulnerability, an attempt to cover an Achilles heel.
The location of that Achilles heel was amply demonstrated by the Satanic Verses affair, the Motoons rage, and by the OIC's insidious attempts to introduce global laws against 'blasphemy' of Mohammed . The Muslims themselves have shown us their most vulnerable spot, which is the questionable (though unquestioned) character of the 'Prophet' himself.We need to satirise and ridicule baby-bonking Mohammad until the Muslims fly into uncontrollable tantrums, then ridicule them even more for their tantrums, and repeat the process until they froth at the mouth and steam comes out of their ears. -
I know there is NO GOD
by jam inisis, plain and simple.
if there is a god there is no way he.
would allow this to occur (beheading of james foley).
Islam has got to go. How you ask?
- Make an exception, and outlaw Islam in western countries.
- Bring back the Dannish cartoon writer to publish a torrent of Islam satire, with true stuff... you know like how Muhammed is a pedophile crybaby etc.
- Pay that Quran burning preist from Florida to come back and start burning Quran's daily.
- Pay the guy who made the video that supposedly caused the Benghazi attack and have him push a new anti Islam video weekly.
- Build up Isreal and Iraq, and make them strong strategic forward bases for the coming storm. Doing this has the added benefit that believers in Islam will see that their pathetic diety does not bless them by removing Isreal.
Wait until the floodgates open, and all the true believers of Islam start attacking like the medieval savage thugs that they are, and then gun em' all down. Lather, rinse, and then repeat until Islam is so broken that it just withers and dies.
Good News! Jah is speeding up the work!
by awakenyr2004 inall he needed was the internet how many years later!
the end is definitely around the corner now.
with all the website hits just in the last few weeks how could it not be?
That is really bad. That means not all 8 million of jehobers chosen race are coming to their Golden Calf website to worship daily. They better shape up, or jehober's anger is really gonna blaze.
Being a SPIRITUAL ATHEIST is a good step!
by Pinku inreligions, in general, did not inspire people to be good, because the means they used was illogicality.
for example: one religion teaches: humans became sinners through one man, and would become righteous through another man.
no answer!
Ferguson Shooting (Is my thinking on this all wrong.......)
by out4good3 ini think everyone here can agree that walking down the street, even in the middle of the street, is not cause for having a clip emptied in your ass......... i can understand how the black community would be outraged by the injustice of seeing another black man dead in the street at the hands of the police under mysterious circumstances....... i hope that i'm not succumbing to the attempts to assinate the already well impuned character of the dead man...... however.
i can't help but think that this could all have been avoided by exercising the proper discretion with fore-knowledge of the disadvantages people of color have when they are dealing with law enforcement in the united states.
it is not as if this disadvantage has only since recently came to light.
Ferguson Shooting (Is my thinking on this all wrong.......)
by out4good3 ini think everyone here can agree that walking down the street, even in the middle of the street, is not cause for having a clip emptied in your ass......... i can understand how the black community would be outraged by the injustice of seeing another black man dead in the street at the hands of the police under mysterious circumstances....... i hope that i'm not succumbing to the attempts to assinate the already well impuned character of the dead man...... however.
i can't help but think that this could all have been avoided by exercising the proper discretion with fore-knowledge of the disadvantages people of color have when they are dealing with law enforcement in the united states.
it is not as if this disadvantage has only since recently came to light.
Nowhere has Eric Holder sided with the arsons and rioters.
Bollocks, It's implied.
Ferguson Shooting (Is my thinking on this all wrong.......)
by out4good3 ini think everyone here can agree that walking down the street, even in the middle of the street, is not cause for having a clip emptied in your ass......... i can understand how the black community would be outraged by the injustice of seeing another black man dead in the street at the hands of the police under mysterious circumstances....... i hope that i'm not succumbing to the attempts to assinate the already well impuned character of the dead man...... however.
i can't help but think that this could all have been avoided by exercising the proper discretion with fore-knowledge of the disadvantages people of color have when they are dealing with law enforcement in the united states.
it is not as if this disadvantage has only since recently came to light.
The Washington Post reported that Holder offered his unflinching support for the people of Ferguson Mo. just one day after traveling there and pledging that he would be conducting a “thorough and fair” investigation of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer. Holder did not provide reassurance to officer Darren Wilson. Moreover, the Attorney General did not discuss that the American system of justice is founded on the principle that all individuals are innocent until proven guilty.
It's so confusing, why does Eric Holder need to stand with the people of Ferguson, who is their enemy? who are they standing against? Justice, White policemen?
Yes, once again the Obama admin has inserted iteself into another local situation and has royally embarassed itself, and proven that their priority is trying to find racism where none exists, to score votes in November. Ironically, they never seem to be concerned about all of the black youths being gunned down in Chicago. Now, why do you suppose that is?