Sab, you raise an interesting point, which I think correlates nicely with WT teaching:
What did those experiences mean and was our suffering worth it in the end? If in the future science can just remove our bad experiences with a scalpel does that mean that all our bad experiences were just what happened before bad experiences were done away with entirely?
Good and Bad feelings are both integral parts of the 'Human Experience', just like the feelings of pleasure and pain. Congenital Analgesia is a condition where a person can, never has and never will experience pain. Though that might sound alright it has some obvious drawbacks, mainly that the person cannot properly evaluate situations, and the possible risks to themselves or others. Without the feeling of pain they are ignorant to the dangers of say, putting their hand in the fire, or stepping on broken glass. One cannot function properly without both sides; pleasure and pain, a yin and yang. The same is true with our emotions and mental state. Having both Good and Bad experiences to reflect on can help us judge other events throughout our lives. But that is exactly what the WT is promoting. A life absent from bad feelings or experiences - "the former things will not be called to mind." The essence of naïvety, if you ask me.
That's slightly beside the point, I just had one of those 'moments'.
I'm not sure about your thoughts on the Bible - you view it as an imperfect book, yet you're willing to let it guide you? If is has no divine authorship, then the only understanding you will gain from it is 3000 years behind. People then were no wiser or sagacious than they are now. More than that, you can use the Bible to promote any ideology you like, so if anything your subconscious is making the decisions for you, and you ascribe credit to the book. Maybe I didn't understand what you were saying, so let me know.