This will be a miscarriage of justice if they escape answering the charges in relation to the Taralgon Cong at least.
from jw news
governing body of jehovahs witnesses to escape judgment for crimes against the children?february 20, 2012 .
corporate accused: watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, inc.. case no.
This will be a miscarriage of justice if they escape answering the charges in relation to the Taralgon Cong at least.
you are all demonized apostates don't you know this, this is exactly what the slave was warning us about not to take apostate tracts and listen to apostates now you're all doing the same thing you were warned against and now you've corruspted my mind and made me mentally diseased and i hope jehovah destroys you all at armageddon!!!
transhuman68 thats awesome i could imagine getting stoned and looking at it!
White Dove please dont forget that i am the site tame Scapegoat willing and ready to take everyones shit out into the wilderness and share with my demon buddies.
You are all demonized says Badfish. Well to tell you the truth mate we all here have been demonized by the WTS calling us mentally diseased just because we now believe differently than a book publishing corporation.
Scale of win friends and influence people you scored a 0. Try a bit harder friend. But im glad your here with us.
one thing that i have always noticed even when i was a jw is that the jw org has lots and lots and lots of rules for allsorts of stupid petty rules which make no difference.
when you read the bible you see how they are clearly in the wrong here and are acting like the pharisees themselves, who imposed so much pressure on others to conform to the law.
am i missing something here!?!?
I would like to thank TimothyT for this thread and i believe his substituting the words the WTS really meant to say was acurate.
to the JW/apologists djeggnogg and celestial dont take over someone elses thread ,start your own and we wont have to read it. again celestial i have warned you your approach to others is really quite bad. Learn the rules here and play by them. REMEMBER this is generally an "apostate" forum so if you dont like us and our beliefs just go somewhere else like the back of your KH and talk amoungst yourselves.
Getting annoyed Az
my daughter is also on her email list.
i believe my daughter has informed her that i dont go to meetings any more, and i think my friend is trying to encourage me.
however, my daughter has shunned me, my husband and her two brothers for almost five years even though none of us are dfd.
hey hoser before you call BS look up the WT Library , its happened before. In the states and in Amish communities in Argentina.
This is the time i feel sad for people who are drawn into this religion of a book publishing company.
i had a few comments to make regarding paul grundy's website.
these comments are in no way meant to defend jws, but only to point out illogical statements.
i have actually found his website to be quite informative.. .
allyouneedislove first off welcome to the forum and i'm glad you are here.
In response to your concerns that you posted i need to ask have you read Crisis of Concience? Paul is using information from a very reliable source that is from an ex Governing body member Ray Franz.Depending on how new you are/were a JW you may not have heard about him.
The Malawi persecution was sadly as good a publicity stunt for the WTS as were the persecution in Nazi Germany. Remember you will be persecuted because of being my follower said Jesus, this persecution gave credibility to the WTS.
Quote 1. Yes the JW are forced because their are no options. The GB says do this so what choice is there? if you dont do as the GB says you are not keeping in step with the organization and falling from God. No choice!
Quote 2. In Malawi it was a single party state there was no opposition so this Party Card was in fact a Citizen Card identifing the holder as a citizen of Malawi. The card was neccesery to hold a job ,pay tax's own property etc. It suited the GB to have this example to show the JW are Gods people because of persecution.
Quote 3. Same thing is happening in Eritrea - good publicity for the WTS. It suits the GB to have people facing persecution as i have already said. The fact they ignored the double standard that was happening in Mexico is proof that they pick n choose to apply the bible when it suits them to do so.
As you are new here allyouneedislove i'm going to cut you some slack and hopefully the following posters will too. Get a copy of Crisis of Concience by Ray Franz ( its available for a few dollars online as a pdf) and read the chapters on the Mexico-Malawi double standard. This issue caused a GB member to start looking at the goings on within the WTS leadership. Once you have read this section and i suggest you read the yearbooks relating to Malawi and all that was going on there and the "not a mention" of what happened in Mexico. The WTS speaks volumes by its silence.
Please take my advice it's genuine and i want you to have a helpfull/healing experience here. Im glad you are reading JWFacts website, it is one of a few really credible sites that just diseminates factuall information. Have a look at JWNews too.
Regards to you.
there is always at least 2 or 3 really crazy persons in the kingdom hall.
the kind of person that when they raise their hand the speaker on stage knows he's taking a gamble if he calls on them - yet he can't discriminate.. anyhow, i remember one time a younger brother was doing sound and one of those crazy brothers was about to give his 5 minute talk (i forget what number that was, prior to them just reading scripture).
the crazy brother slipped the young brother doing sound a cd and said "play this when i get on stage".. well, he gets up on stage and all of a sudden hawaiian music starts playing... the man on stage just starts dancing.
One of my uncles who was a school teacher and elder did this once while giving a public talk. He had a small box on the lecturn which he opened early in the talk and took out an egg. He would take it out of the box everyso often then place it back. His talk concluded and he never mentioned the egg but he said everyone looked and listened to his talk! lol
any other reason than the arbitrary explanation that you were brainwashed or seduced by a millenarianist doomsday cult?.
welcome kathrin glad your here.
it did for me even though i eventually walked out on my terms and fully convinced of the apostasy of the watchtower pharisees and sanhedrin (governing body).. initially it was very confusing and bewildering since i was a 3rd generation born-in and the watchtower was the only "reality" i'd known for more than 40 years.. a psychologist diagnosed ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) and recommended attending a cult conference and workshop for victims of psychological manipulation.
i learnt about "triggers" that cause turmoil and upset whilst one is suffering from ptsd.. for nearly 2 years i could not answer a phone without a minor panic attack.
i could only respond to voicemails.
Not so much now after my 8 months attending for reinstatement ( to have contact with my children) your heart stops racing when your viewed like a worthless piece of shit by everyone in the congregation.
6 months ago i was working inter state at the capital of Australia and i was in a McDonalds to use their wifi and my Uncle and Aunt ( uber JW and he writes for Awake) walked in . I admit my stomach just churned and they hadnt seen me yet so i just packed my laptop and walked out. I was a bit confused as to my reaction. I actually love them and i didnt want to face them shunning me. I was really pissed off later that a stupid religion could cause this severence from family.This stupid religion severed me from seeing my children.
Like wha happened! i feel mixed emotions now sad because they are so blind then angry that they believe they are special and willing to treat their fellow man as shit.
any other reason than the arbitrary explanation that you were brainwashed or seduced by a millenarianist doomsday cult?.
I was born in 1970 a third generation JW. In all honesty i was so well ingrained into the doctrines of the WTS that i didnt even consider that i may actually have a choice. I functioned along preprogrammed directions and was a total "organizational christian" , spirituality had nearly nothing to do with me, i was a worshipper of an organization. I was too blind to see that i was actually blinded by a cult.
there is always at least 2 or 3 really crazy persons in the kingdom hall.
the kind of person that when they raise their hand the speaker on stage knows he's taking a gamble if he calls on them - yet he can't discriminate.. anyhow, i remember one time a younger brother was doing sound and one of those crazy brothers was about to give his 5 minute talk (i forget what number that was, prior to them just reading scripture).
the crazy brother slipped the young brother doing sound a cd and said "play this when i get on stage".. well, he gets up on stage and all of a sudden hawaiian music starts playing... the man on stage just starts dancing.
I remember with fondness a WT study back in early 90's.
One of my friends was the WT conductor and another mate was the assigned reader. All was going well in the study.
(My friend really made the WT studies bearable - i suppose a 5 star chef can make shit look interesting too!)
Anyway a young sister 13-14 put her hand up and gave an answer. In her answer she refered to the 1st century uncircumcised Genitals! My friend just roared with laughter and within seconds the whole congregation 100+ were weeping with laughter.He tried to get back to topic but each time he started he would laugh again.He was actually crying with laughter( the poor young sister put her head down and i dont think she answered again for a few years.) Finally everyone stopped laughing and my friend was to read the next paragraph and it mentioned again uncircumcised gentiles ,my friend reading just started to chuckle and it rippled thru the audience again. My friend the WT conductor said he was making an executive decision that the reader can sit back in the audience as it would be impossible to continue otherwise.Good times.
A time to laugh and a time to weep.
I really miss those friends that view me as dead now.................