You are all demonized apostates don't you know this, this is exactly what the slave was warning us about not to take apostate tracts and listen to apostates now you're all doing the same thing you were warned against and now you've corruspted my mind and made me mentally diseased and I hope Jehovah destroys you all at Armageddon!!!!
by Badfish 76 Replies latest jw friends
Witness My Fury
Meds not working again? Oh dear....
Go suckle the teet of mother and stop all thinking faculties at once... it's clearly bad for you.
Well, hello there!
Yes, we're all demonized, mentally diseased apostates. We all take drugs and go to orgies and print evil, lying tracts against the wonderful Governing Body.
Ain't it grand?
Lol well since you are here now, already diseased and corrupted, how about telling us a little about yourself...?
Hi Badfish, it's wonderful to meet you too.
So what's your story? Glad to have you with us.
Broken Promises
Going by Badfish's previous posts, I'd say he's just messing with us.
Good morning Badfish, how are you today?
You say we are demonized and that we are apostates, but you will find that there are people here from all walks of life, and there are even Elders and other current JW's who post here. We are not as scary and evil as you are taught to believe. In fact, there are many who still believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The only thing different is that many here owe their allegiance to God and Jesus instead of a man made publishing company.
If you are not ready at this time, I encourage you to stay in the "Truth" until you are ready to find answers to your questions. Remember though that you are welcome back here at anytime, and we will be here for you when you decide that the time is right to get answers!
But, if you are joking, GOOD ONE!
Take care!
Oh hey, nice to meet you too my fellow diseased one. Well, basically, I'm just this random drunk guy who woke up at 6:30 am and decided to post this thread for the lulz. I was raised in a super strict Jw family which I blame my alcoholism on since in my formative years we would do the 7 days a week daily text ritual at 7am sharp for exactly 15 minutes until 7:15 which would then commence the spiritual discussion for 45 minutes until 8 am, however, we would not be allowed to leave the breakfast table until each of the family members had sufficiently contributed to the spiritual discussion. Since we were homeschooled, this would then follow with our time allotted to get dressed into our meeting clothes so that we could then engage in the field ministry from 9-5' 5 days a week followed by our saturday witnessing and of course our Sunday afternoon field service after the watchtower study. All school work was to be completed during the remaining hours since the end was coming so soon and we had no need for education. Thank god (I mean Jehovah) that I never got baptized during all of this rigorous activity despite the constant pressure from my family (especially my grandparents). However, I am a living witness to the mental disease that was caused by this life and the hardcore alcoholism that developed thereafter. DO YOU THINK JEHOVAH WILL FORGIVE ME FOR BEING DRUNK?
As soon as I saw the word "Demonized" I had to chuckle. That has to be one of the funniest words in the English language! Whenever I would get a small twitch in my nose or arm, my mother used to literally cry and say that I was demonized (After slapping me in the face).