@Tim Hooper ... priceless!
JoinedPosts by flamegrilled
Special Meeting at Bethel by GB just before Annual Meeting
by notsurewheretogo ini see there is a special meeting held by the gb at bethel a week before the annual meeting.. .
wonder what that will be about?.
by Terry inthree months ago i had to stop driving my car.
it wouldn't pass inspection and it would cost about $3k to get it up to par.. well, it's a 98 honda accord with about 179 thousand miles on it, what did i expect?.
.. i decided i would switch to riding a bicycle instead.. it has worked out fairly well.. i put about 10 miles a day on it.
Bummer! Sorry to hear that. I know the feeling as it happened to me but a little differently. I had an expensive bike chained up. Thief stole the saddle only and not wanting to ride home without it I left it chained that evening which was a stupid mistake. (I had had a couple of pints which may have impaired my decision making ability.) They came back and took the whole thing later.
When I replaced it I started to do what jgnat's son does if I had any doubts about the area. But to snatch it right in front of you ... I think I'd have got caught out the same.
All these people will be destroy unless they become JWs (Watchtower teaching)
by hardtobeme inno matter what they do, they will be destroyed forever!!!!
i can't believe i used to believe that s**t!!!!.
Obviously all those helping people ARE already JWs. Nobody else on the planet would show such qualities.
An important message from a PRACTICING Jehovah's witness
by Sparks inhi, i am also a practicing jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..!
i am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of jehovah god in england.. this important letter is personally to you, just as many of the bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by you the reader.
i am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you.
I'm just wondering how you can write this stuff after posting at one time ...
"but not before I metaphorically shit on the Ciruit Overseers carpet infront of the gang of six arse-lickers around him" (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/70376/1/oh-my-God-what-have-I-done-Tomb-Raider-Horror-stuff)
You say you are a "middle-aged" man, but the above looks like it would have been written by a vitriolic 15 year old, and that was 10 years ago.
Your attempt to now support the org is unbalanced and inaccurate on many counts. It seems you have invested yourself into much propaganda over the past few years.
But I suspect they would be just as happy not to have you playing the apologist for them in view of your prior posts. No doubt any actual JW would consider that you are doing more harm than good.
What's the greatest movie no-one's ever heard of?
by rory-ks inyou know, that film you really love, but when you mention it everyone's, like, "eh?".
i'll get the ball rolling.
for me: ulee's gold..
Off the Map (2003 movie NOT 2011 movie of same name)
Angels and Women - A review
by LivingTheDream ini first found and read this book as a young man during the early 1980s while visiting the bethel library.
this library was located at the world headquarters of jehovah's witnesses in brooklyn new york.
this book exists in its form now because of the interest that religion's leaders had in the original work seola, from where this book was adapted.
As a book it's a probably only a compelling read to those who have some interest in the Biblical account of the flood.
As far as it really being of demonic origin I don't think it is such, at least not any more so than any other book.
I bought your book and enjoyed it by the way. I hope it's doing well for you. I know it's a lot of work and takes a lot of dedication to write a book.
My Judicial Meeting was 6 WEEKS ago! Help me with a question.
by Comatose inmy judicial meeting was 6 weeks or more ago, and still no action.
i used a lawyer and a letter to them after i had already met with them and admitted everything.
the crazy part was they didn't tell me that night if i was df or not.
I guess it still depends on your circumstances and the facts of the case. All other things being equal then probably the hiring of a lawyer will not go in your favor from their point of view, as others have already commented.
But ultimately the elders may have simply not have found grounds for DF. It's hard to know without knowing more about it.
I'm sure we're all interested in the possible legal loophole and how this progresses for you.
On a personal level, I wish you all the best with the outcome insofar as keeping unity with your family.
My Explanation of Why They Got it Wrong About Blood Using Only the NWT
by cofty in10 " any israelite or any alien living among them who eats any bloodi will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people.
12 therefore i say to the israelites, "none of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood.
15 'anyone, whether native-born or alien, who eats anything found dead or torn by wild animals must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be ceremonially unclean till evening; then he will be clean.
OP....I'd love to consider your point. But when you say that your argument caused an elder to immediately resign and never attend another meeting....you immediately lost me. Makes me think you're a bit delusional. XstuckX
I wouldn't so quickly dismiss the power of this (and other) arguments on the blood doctrine to move elders to resign. It's one of those topics that is very personal to some people for obvious reasons. Unlike 1914 which some can just move into the category of "I'll pretend it doesn't matter for now", that is not the case when the blood doctrine is clearly exposed to be unscriptural. The finer point of the law that Cofty uses are incontrovertible in making the necessary point, and yet they are dealt with in such an illogical way in official JW doctrine.
As an extension of Cofty's points it is good to be familiar with the ways that the Jews interpret their own law of Moses under the principle of "Pikuach Nefesh". The principles are completely in harmony with the Mosaic Law and yet clearly demonstrate the boundaries at which the treatment of blood itself becomes secondary to the preservation of life. And it's all based on scripture.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
After all your vitriolic protestations against the idea that we might not know everything, and that some of what we might not know might have a bearing on the subject under discussion, you recently posted on your other thread:
Living with unanswered questions is human. What we ought to avoid is pretending to know things we can't know.
If our belief is commensurate with the evidence and beyond that we can say, "I don't know" we are being reasonable.