The stats Blueblades cites would be worth posting on here for the benefit of lurkers as well as those already here.
JoinedPosts by Kingpawn
Falling Away
by Blueblades ini understand that between 1970 and 1995, one-third of the jehovah's witnesses worldwide left the organization.
the figure is 55% for those in the u.s.a.these figures would seem to mean that there are a lot of dissatisfied jw's!
if you were to ask a jw's,why so many would want to leave if there is such a wonderful atmosphere of love among the witnesses, could they give you a good reason?
Reading Other Books
by Blueblades inwhen one looks at the watchtower publications they soon notice that the writers quote from many different books and encyclopedias in order to try to prove their beliefs and teachings.i would assume that the authors of the articles read these books in detail so as to be certain that they are quoting in context.since they read and quote from so many sources,it seems to suggest that there are many good books on the market that are not written by jehovah's witnesses and yet contain a lot of truth which agrees with watchtower's for any lurking jw's,are you free to read these various books?why can the authors of the watchtower publications in brooklyn read these books but not the average jehovah's witness?
The guide said these brothers were protected by the holy spirit and only brothers that were already strong spiritually were selected.
Kinda like a Spiritual Secret Service eh? Placing themselves in danger so others don't have to? Doesn't it just give ya a warm feeling?
My turn for fluff
by shera in.
whats your favorite t.v show(s).
heheh mine is buffy the vampire slayer and yep i'm 32. in contrast i like touched by an angel as well.oh...aaaand i like watching the learning channel anything on science
The X Files, History Channel, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Star Trek (original), some Sci-Fi Channel stuff.
What's sex?
by JH inimagine when the earthly resurrection will begin, and maybe 20 billion people who lived in the past will have a second chance to live eternally, but this time without sex (luke 20:35).
having to live an eternal life without having the passion of love, and no sex whatsoever.
how would you cope with this?
Now come on, people won't be allowed to have sex but animals will? There's gonna be a whole lotta pissed off people before the millenium's up!
Just a won't have sex but we will have...uh...reasons to get up in the middle of the night for a quick shower?
As for women: male sexologists in the last century told us most women aren't troubled by sexual feelings, so it won't be a problem for them, right?
Viv--you are forbidden to kill yourself because of no sex! Doing so is independent thinking, shows dissatisfaction with Jehovah's loving arrangement, and could get you df'ed on top of everything else.
Where Have All The Pretty Women Gone?
by Englishman into explain: i recall in the 60's and 70's driving down portsmouths commercial road during a lunch time.
in the summer, there would be dozens of pretty girls strolling along, enjoying their lunch breaks.. high-heeled, well groomed and shapely of leg and well turned ankle, these delightful creatures smelled as good as they looked and were a real tonic to an over worked young man such as me.. so where are all the pretty women now?
all i see these days are skinny women with their boobies pushed up to their chins and half a pound of shrapnel punched through their noses and ears.
What Dogs Really Want (it's gross)
by Robdar ini love animals and have many pets.
this past year i got a dog.
i have a fenced-in back yard so the dog goes outside a lot.
I don't know how to insert a pic and have it show up,
Use the search feature in the upper left corner under the site logo and try "forums" as a keyword. Look for a thread started by SYN called "How to post pics in forums." He takes you through it step-by-step. The text part is farther down under some of the illustrations. -
What Dogs Really Want (it's gross)
by Robdar ini love animals and have many pets.
this past year i got a dog.
i have a fenced-in back yard so the dog goes outside a lot.
This might sound like a joke on Robyn's part but it isn't.
We have three dogs here (five cats inside and a couple of strays that like the chow we set out for them). Two of the dogs came from the pound. One was left there because she left messes on the floor. She evidently learned to clean them up herself.
Not sure if this is related to a vitamin deficiency or another cause, but it does happen.
by fairy in.
hi everyone,.
i just want to say that i am amazed at the wealth of knowledge on this site..i went to the meetings for about 25 yrs and i didnt know a lot of the stuff that you all mention on this site.........i just want to say well done to all those people that do know what they do.............for instance, i never ever knew about the questions changing for the baptism, i got dunked in 1979....and havent been going to the meetings for the last 10 yrs...
So chess was considered bad because it uses up large amounts of time (obvious) and can encourage competition, but Monopoly (based on the idea of accumulating wealth) is OK!?
About the only game I can think of offhand where there's no competition involved is Solitaire.
If you're interested in stories about past players, read on. If not, feel free to pass over this.
Actually...a number of stories come to mind about eccentric behavior of chessplayers. Dr. Alexander Alekhine was known to smash furniture or throw his King across the room if he lost. Aaron(sp?) Nimzovich, who so hated smoking he'd complain bitterly if an opponent even put a cigar case down beside the board. Bobby Fischer (yes, I have one about America's first World Champion) who at first worried the 1972 match in Iceland couldn't be seen in America because Iceland didn't have the best TV facilities, and then lost a game by forfeit during an almost all-tournament-long battle against the match being filmed, are some. So the effect on a person isn't always wholesome.
But...a frequent writer of chess books was once asked to list the benefits of the game. Some of them were:
- Learning to see the other person's point of view,
- Learning how to plan, and work for, acheiving a long-term goal,
- Patience,
- Rationally evaluating the pros and cons of both player's positions,
and so on.
So there's something to be said for both views.
Thanks for posting those articles Gopher.
Online romances ruiner?
by Kingpawn inminimus posted a thread lately asking for questions you'd like to see answered:.
prisca asked how many online romances there were here.. i got to thinking about that at work, among other things (see previous thread).
and besides the "slim pickings" mentioned by a poster in another thread, another potential problem came to mind.. we can probably divide ourselves into two groups here: the "ex-jw's' and the "never-jw's.
Since Simon seems to be in favor of a photo gallery in the not too distant future, drop him a line in "Suggestion Box" and maybe a personals setion and the photo gallery could be combined.
by happysunshine ini feel like im climbing a mountain.
the experience has been full of beauty, awe, and life.
its also been very challenging, with many temptations to cheat or give up.
It's obvious from your post you still care about them. Make the effort, adapting to circumstances as needed. If you don't you'll always regret it. And if it fails, you tried.