It's on my driver's license but they won't take my blood. Still I can make someone else's life more meaningful after I die so why not?
JoinedPosts by Kingpawn
Do you plan to donate your organs when you die?
by LyinEyes ini just saw this movie john q. with denzel washington, and it is a great movie.
the subject is about health care or lack of,,, and the need for organ donations.
i have always felt strongly about this and this movie really made me think about doing something instead of just saying it.
What am I feeling for her?
by Kingpawn inthis is going to be a little rambling but i hope it makes sense.
i won't use names out of privacy concerns, but it's as true as i can make it.. where i work, i've begun developing very strong feelings for a co-worker.
her shift and mine overlap for a few hours each day, and i see her when one of her duties brings her to my area of the plant (otherwise we work in separate areas).
How are you doing with the decision of whether you are bisexual or heterosexual?
I don't see it as a "decision." I can only say one night I woke up with strong het feelings that haven't gone away. It's as radical a change as if there was (were? Is there an English teacher in the house?) another person living inside of me.
Another change--well, this was happening before the change in thinking--is a growing apathy with politics and issues again. Maybe it's a feeling that Bush and Co. are unstoppable. Or the same feelings about the Borg.
Crazy--do they sell something over the counter for that?
What am I feeling for her?
by Kingpawn inthis is going to be a little rambling but i hope it makes sense.
i won't use names out of privacy concerns, but it's as true as i can make it.. where i work, i've begun developing very strong feelings for a co-worker.
her shift and mine overlap for a few hours each day, and i see her when one of her duties brings her to my area of the plant (otherwise we work in separate areas).
Sloan, yes. The whole story's in the post that started this thread, at least as it was then.
Any advice what to do?
by cecil inhi folks.
it has been almost a year since my last posting.
my wife and i have tried to move on with our lives, since we decided to stop being "active" about 14 months ago.
You are faced with a choice and neither one is pleasant. Cut yourself off from your relatives or save yourself the stress of continually dodging the elders.
It wouldn't be much of a choice for me. Due to certain chronic health conditions I have to avoid stress. But I was the only JW in my family and I wasn't particularly close to anyone in the congregation so it was easy for me to ignore them.
I wish you luck in trying to leave with the least amount of pain, but I think the odds against you succeeding are very high.
What do you fear the most about the WT cult?
by Claudia Kittel inwhen i was a jw, i think what i was most afraid of was being hurt.
i did everything to keep myself from getting hurt.
i banged on doors with the best of the pioneers.
When you look over all you've learned about them--the failed prophecies, the doctrinal screwups and flipflops, the arrogance, the gossiping, the behavior totally unlike what "God's" true followers should be doing--how can you fear them?
Sure, I sometimes vaguely thought about trying to go back, years ago. Now? No way. I've seen too much, read too much, burned my bridges mentally.
I feel sadness for those still in it. I feel frustration when logic and common sense fails to convince an active JW that the GB is wrong on various matters. With some of the stories posted, I sit back and think, "You've got to be...kidding me. Nobody can be that cruel or callous." And then I think of their answers to Silentlamb's charges, the Dateline and Panorama programs, and I think, "You thought you'd seen it all...well, guess what."
If God desired no one die, would He have "shaken the tree" in 1975 and made many fall away by giving the GB false info? Not if Titus 1:2 is right. So I blame those in the GB.
Sometimes I think the WBTS is the biggest con job ever pulled on the world. The ultimate religious scam. Like Christ said about the Pharisees being like whitewashed tombs, outwardly pretty and inwardly dead.
The only thing I "fear" about them is I'll miss seeing them get the royal kicks in the ass they so richly deserve.
What am I feeling for her?
by Kingpawn inthis is going to be a little rambling but i hope it makes sense.
i won't use names out of privacy concerns, but it's as true as i can make it.. where i work, i've begun developing very strong feelings for a co-worker.
her shift and mine overlap for a few hours each day, and i see her when one of her duties brings her to my area of the plant (otherwise we work in separate areas).
Well, reality is quieting the feelings I once had. I've found out that she's a regular at that bar near her house every Friday and Saturday nights.
The reason that bothers me is that in the infomeeting I mentioned earlier, signs of growing chemical dependency included being more "rigid" about drinking. IOW, the drinker begins to set rules for themselves, like if it takes six hours to sober up, then stop drinking six hours before you have to be somewhere important.
In her case it sounds like she's getting a week's restraint made up for on the two nights where she doesn't have to go in to work a few hours later. Maybe she drinks to dull the pain of her husband's insults. Maybe she's religious (or was) and sees her son's illness as a judgment on her past conduct. Maybe she drank while carrying him and fetal alcohol syndrome led to his MD, so that's why she drinks. I dunno.
Apparently her husband/whatever he is was the one sending her the flowers earlier this year.
Maybe those who said it was a crush were right. The feelings are nowhere near as strong as they were. To be honest, she looks cute in the lab coat and hard hat...without it, she's average, somewhere around a five or so on a ten point scale.
As far as harassment...if looks, waves, and a bit of banter years ago don't come under the "light flirting" the Supreme Court accepts than no one is safe. I'm not worried about it greatly, but I do watch my step.
Ah well....
What am I feeling for her?
by Kingpawn inthis is going to be a little rambling but i hope it makes sense.
i won't use names out of privacy concerns, but it's as true as i can make it.. where i work, i've begun developing very strong feelings for a co-worker.
her shift and mine overlap for a few hours each day, and i see her when one of her duties brings her to my area of the plant (otherwise we work in separate areas).
The more I got to know this sister however, the more I could see that she was just the type of woman who would slavishly submit to an abusive man. She had some very deep issues that needed dealing with.
What are these signs? I could see low self-esteem and maybe a lack of self-confidence, but what else?
What am I feeling for her?
by Kingpawn inthis is going to be a little rambling but i hope it makes sense.
i won't use names out of privacy concerns, but it's as true as i can make it.. where i work, i've begun developing very strong feelings for a co-worker.
her shift and mine overlap for a few hours each day, and i see her when one of her duties brings her to my area of the plant (otherwise we work in separate areas).
Beck, thanks for the thoughts!
Riz--I happened to be in the area where she and a co-worker come to every morning and while she knew I was there, she didn't say hi or anything. Ignored me (a sign?). <sighes>
One of the guys I work with says her husband is constantly making remarks about her weight. Or else, if I heard him right, giving her the silent treatment.
When I first noted she was (I think) in her late twenties, honestly I didn't think how this would look coming from me, a guy who's 45. Literally the implications didn't cross my mind. Guess I was so concerned about about not seeing the forest for the trees!
But when I said originally it wasn't her age that made her attractive to me, what I meant was that while yeah her being that age bracket helps, it's NOT because I've got a thing for really young women (like 18 years and 2 hours old). Even if she were older the perkiness would still catch my eye.
And the remark she made to her co-worker about "maybe he's not happy `cause you;'re not playin' with his pockets!" makes sense now. Everyone likes to think they're attractive, and to have a good image of themselves. If her husband does say these things about her, the brashness of the remark above would say to me, this is her way of attracting attention. A poor substitute for the attention she should be getting at home.
Jesus Chastises Pharisees for not Killing Children
by Faraon injesus chastises pharisees for not killing children.
we can see that christians, and religions in general do only as much as allowed by secular governments.. here we see a fine example of the love of jesus for children when he chastises his adversaries for not following the law of jehovah and stoning to death children who curse their parents.. how loving are the provisions of big j and little j!!!.
matthew 15:3-4 jesus replied, "and why do you break the command of god for the sake of your tradition?
No, He was criticizing the Pharisees for teaching people something that directly contradicted Scripture. They said if you'd promised something as a gift to God you couldn't give it to your parents instead. On the face of it, it makes sense, but on that issue God hadn't said "I always come first." So they were teaching the people to sin. And he called them out on it.
Should America Start Closing the Borders?
by pettygrudger in.
my hubby & i had a debate tonight, so i'm kinda taking a poll..... my hubby says we should stop immigrations and start closing up the borders - except in cases of political asylum or a family member.
MrMoe makes a good point that America wouldn't be where it is without immigration.
Many times immigrants have "taken" jobs that were there all along but many Americans considered beneath their dignity apparently, because they went unfilled for a long time. Also, some industries (NOT just farming) are arguing for looser immigration rules because they need highly trained/skilled workers they can't find here. High-tech is probably the best example. Is it merely a coincidence that the vast majority of teens and college students here admit to personally cheating or holding a "who cares?" attitude about it when US student scores in math and science are so far behind the world's?
As far as Mexico...the way to stop immigration from there is to help their government fix their economy. Make it more profitable for the average citizen to stay there. If I can make in half a day what I can in Mexico for a full day, why should I stay there? And if I get caught? I can be deported (and try again) or go to jail (benefits before being repatriated home) (and try again).
Besides, many of the comments here make it sound like they're taking advantage of us. I'd like to know one race/nationality/ethnic group that hasn't been cheated, abused, treated unjustly, or in some other way screwed by the American Dream after coming here.
Every person wanting to come here is one more vote in favor of the idea that America is the place to be. If a person trades jobs for one with better pay and benefits do we say he's wrong? Then why should we say that for the person who trades countries?
It's easy to criticize someone leaving their homeland and not staying to fight their country's problems. But some of those problems aren't solvable by one person's sole efforts. Or they may not have the resources there. Or they may not be attracted to the idea of arrest, torture, and hard labor for two decades or death for speaking out. And what support they get from us, the mouthpeice for the oppressed! After all, after the Chinese ran over the Tianeman Square protestors in 1989, OUR PRESIDENT George the First went to China and (to my knowledge) didn't say a word about those killed or imprisoned. Yep, we believe in human rights all right.
Yeah Granny, Crystal...easy to say what you did here. Try it when one of your own family could turn you in to the secret police. Maybe you're not afraid of rubber hoses being used on your feet's soles, or being kept awake for a week straight, put in a 14" by 14" cell 24/7 so you can't sit for a week--you sleep leaning your knees against the stone wall, or having "salt water douches" as they're known forced down your throat again and again until you're racked with thirst...and these are the mild "entertainments"! I left off describing some of the more "stimulating" things they do to men and women in prisons.
I can cut some slack for someone afraid of that. Who's going to work with them? Who can they trust to talk about this with? If they get in a jam, will they sell you out to save their skin?
Pain just isn't me, or a lot of others living in the real world either.