"JW's have the right to accept death if they want to"........ agreed , but ,as we know here, that is not an informed choice, J.W's have only had presented to them a doctrine that is held by the WT/JW religion, on that basis, what men have told them the scriptures mean, they base their life and death decision.
That alone would be sad enough, but, if they are too lazy or too controlled by the cult to examine the doctrine fully, we could say it is their fault to a great degree, but they then go on to impose this on their children !
I know that in most situations the medics would seek a Court Order and administer a life-saving transfusion, but this is not always done, and sometimes cannot be done in time to save the child, so, children not old enough to understand the doctrine, never informed that there are alternative views on it, they die.
This is Medical Ethics and Political Correctness going too far by allowing the parents this power, to murder their children for a belief imposed by men whose doctrines change constantly, and whose doctrines are plain wrong.