One of the things that added to our Cognitive Dissonance, my wife and me, was that it went through our minds that something was wrong if we did not feel this constant "Joy", and also we never felt the "excitement" at the prospect of an upcoming Convention.
Of course, being "in" we blamed ourselves, we didn't make the connection with the truth that it was not us at fault, but the so-called "truth", for about a decade.
I think ultimately hearing this kind of Talk from a C.O. will make the JW's feel that he cares, that he wants to be helpful, which I hope is true of him, but such poppycock from the Bible will not alleviate those feelings that J.W's have, which ARE a form of depression, and can lead to that spiralling down in to dangerous Depression, as in my case, at the point I left, I was suicidally depressed, but did not identify it as such.
The G.B, who provided the outline for that Talk, do not have a clue about Psychology, how to help the depressed, or how dangerous their Brand of Religion is.