It is good to get a resolution, to stop the "Hounding", and really although I advocate a "Fade" to most people at first, because D.Aing can be done later, the result is much the same.
We "faded" because we had close family still in, some have passed away now, but the remaining ones talk to us on occasion, but effectively they shun us in most ways, and of course we never hear from old J.W folk we lived among for many decades.
So, well done ! may you now put J.Wism behind you, if you need help with info. we are here for you, and is an excellent resource. I advise researching anything that gives you fear, like the "Armageddon" nonsense for example. It is necessary not to just take yourself out of the religion, but to take the religion out of you.
All the Very Best to you and Yours for a Wonderful Free Future !