Old Phizzy, as DOC says, is very aware of his mortality, but being an atheist, I am not bothered by the thought of it, as theists, and J.W's are strangely, they seem to fear death.
O.K, I'm hoping I have a few more years left perhaps, and as "only the good die young" I should make it to 120, being such a wicked old bastard.
What a way to live your life though ! as J.W's do ! in fear of Armageddon, afraid to leave the Org. in case they "do not make it", so living a life that is not their own, until they die. All for nothing.
I will die, one day, the World will go on, as usual, but the J.W Org. will wither and die, not so very long after I am Pushing up the Daisies.
These are indeed my Last Days, but I enjoy every one of them, I do what I bloody well like, and like what I bloody well do !
I was never truly happy, in a deep lasting way, ever in my life, until I left the Org. and its constant Doom and Gloom, with the Carrot on a Stick of some fanciful deluded idea of "Paradise".