The poet Philip Larkin put it more succinctly "They f**k you up, your parents do...."
Posts by Phizzy
Long-Term Effects of Physical Abuse
by rebel8 inobviously this is a very personal matter.
i can't believe i'm posting it here but i need to make myself.
i'm probably going to regret this.. i have discussed before that i was physically abused and neglected as a jw child.
For truthseeker and apologists...''No one has what the JWs have".
by Aussie Oz init has often been asked by those in support of the jw's, "where else are we to go?
" when confronted by some hard truths about the 'truth'.
drawing of course on john 6:68, or rather, the watchtower society's explanation of it.. .
Having looked at what the Christadelphians teach, and what they also taught in 1919, because they have not changed, and flip=flopped back and forth with their doctrine, I have come to the conclusion that Jesus chose them in 1919 !
They fitted what he was looking for much better than Rutherford's Bible Students. They were proper, full, conscientious objectors, had been since the civil war, they had even got the law changed to allow for it !
What do Jehovah's Witnesses have that is provable from scripture, and unique to them, that should persuade me to stay ?
After 100+ years, the Watchtower Society can be summed up in one word...
by Glander inhubris['hju?br?s], hybris.
pride or arrogance2.
(literary & literary critical terms) (in greek tragedy) an excess of ambition, pride, etc., ultimately causing the transgressor's ruin [from greek]hubristic , hybristicadjthey have been able to attract a core of followers, and, like the bullies they are, hold them through a combination of a fear shunning and the childish vision of eternal life in a new world.
What's your Myers-Briggs?
by Londo111 ini am infp.. some former witnesses in my hometown had a meetup last night...alas, only four of us.
but it turned out we had an infp(me), two infjs, and an enfp.
therefore, it turned out we were all idealists.
INTS (= In The brown smelly stuff)
Long-Term Effects of Physical Abuse
by rebel8 inobviously this is a very personal matter.
i can't believe i'm posting it here but i need to make myself.
i'm probably going to regret this.. i have discussed before that i was physically abused and neglected as a jw child.
I hope you get the info. and insight you seek rebel, I have long been interested in how our formative years affect us, and if we can escape their effects.
We seem to be affected in such a strong and subtle way by our early life, and the way we were treated.
My father was not capable, due to his Autism, of understanding how other people were feeling, even his own children, I think that has affected me in a sort of reverse way, I am super-sensitive to the feelings of others, and hate to see them upset, or even slightly uncomfortable, I am the one to smooth over any "unpleasantness" as we stiff upper lip Brits call it.
My childhood was normal for its era really, apart from being raised in the JW's , so I was not abused in any way. I cry for the children like you who were , and I shed tears now for those who are abused in so many ways in the JW religion.
I wish parents could see the harm they are capable of doing, and replace that with the good that is in the power of their hand to give, namely unconditional love to their children.
Indian rain dance
by stillin init's so dry!
if we do a rain dance, the great spirit will cause it to rain.. damn!
how much longer do we have to dance?.
It was pissing down here yesterday, who did the dance?
It really does happen
by loosie inif you wait long enough.
one of my long time jw friends finally came out and is now talking to me again.
she said she will never go back.. i am so happy that she is out of the lie!!!!
So there is hope ! Time is what it seems to take.
When they are ready their minds are opened,
Field Service: Special Warnings?
by Joe Grundy ini am not, never have been a jw.
raised in the plymouth brethren, now am an atheist.. .
i've recently had the 'benefit' of a couple of fs visits which i've previously reported here.. .
I do not think the WT is worried about the average person who is called on being equipped by the Internet to confont the average JW.
As soon as a JW finds someone who knows the darker side of the WT they run away as fast as an Olympic athlete screaming "Aposate !"
The fact that the person may never have been a JW does not matter, as with a number of words, the JW's have effectively changed the meaning, as with "generation" etc and now in the JW's mind anybody who questions their religion or their message is an "Apostate", it is equivalent to "opposer" in their mind.
For many a long year the average JW has not been capable of explaining the doctrine, because they do not understand it themselves, all they want to do is shove a couple of magazines in the persons hand, promise to return, which they rarely do, and then scoot.
I just wish the public were more aware of the JW system of the "Do Not Call" list, I am sure that many many more would ask to go on it if they did.
Searching For an Elder's Manual (with margin scribble)
by arko_n9ne inevery day i am on here, i learn new things.
a little while back, there was a post about the existense of elder manuals with km required notes in the margin area that gave away a little more than the gb wanted.. how do i get my hands on a copy of that?
i know it's difficult to obtain pay attention (with margin scribble) and it's all the more difficult to obtain a copy of shepherd the flock of god (with margin scribble) since it is relatively newer.. if anyone could help me find a copy, be it hardcopy or pdf, i would give my left cheek.
After two or so days of reading old threads on here, I just knew it was Olmolungring !
Can you be a JW in good standing and NOT go door to door?
by Terry inthe 2nd president of the watchtower bible and tract society, j.f.rutherford was criticised by some elders in the (then) independant congregations for urging members to go door to door while neglecting to do so himself.
rutherford responded:.
frequently some elder says: the president of the society does not go from house to house selling books.
I heard a JW urban myth years ago, that Pres Nathan Knorr was being driven past GC station and he spotted a Bro there selling the WT and Awk mags
he is supposed to have said "That's good to see " and the bro with him said "Yea, but we simply cannot get the guy to go DtoD as he should"
Knorr asked "How many mags does he shift?" the reply, "Oh, 2 or 3 hundred a month "
Knorr said "Leave him there".
It may even be true, Knorr was a business man, and they charged for the mags back then.