You poor guy. You really think you love her. Even worse if you do, I was in your position and I was also the one in her position who fucked over a really nice girl. I'm just going to post what I posted in another thread. At least you're not considering converting for her (hopfully).
-As a teenager I was very shy. I had friends but meeting new people was tough. I met a JW girl. We would talk constantly from morning till late at night. I was shocked that I was able to have an interesting conversation with someone for 13 hours everyday! We instantly became best friends. One of my other friends was also very close to her. One day he kept asking her if I liked her. I kept denying it. He said that she admitted that she had feelings for me.
So I asked her out that night.
She broke down crying. She said she liked me too but she couldn't. She explained her stance as a JW and how they don't date outside of their religion. For months we had this weird relationship where we would try to be as close as possible (walking her to class, calling her at night, saying 'I love you') but without any physical contact. She brought me to a meeting and their memorial (kinda like easter) and I started taking interest. I started attending meetings twice a week and a bible study and I started to really believe in them.
Well something happened in her family so I let her have her space. I didn't want her keeping our "relationship" in mind because I knew she had a bit of guilt of it and I figured thats not what she needed at the time. After a month she said she doesn't feel the same way about me and she was sorry. I lied and told her I felt the same and that was the reason why I wasn't around as much. I lied to make her feel better. And we remained friends.
I continued to study. Fast forward a bit, went through depression, I was betrayed by some of the JWs, I forgave and kept on, almost killed myself. And one day while sulking thinking why I wasn't happy when I "should be", why all my friends who are in college seem to be doing great if college is so bad (at least by JW standards), I was on the internet and found some information. I forgot what it was but I remember being confused and deciding that if this was the "truth" I shouldn't have any problems doing research. I have always said that I believed that JW's had the truth. If mormons had it I would study with them so I decided I needed to be fair to myself in this and do as much research as possible.
It wasn't the truth and I realized they were the cause of my depression and I needed to get the hell out.
If you want to be with this girl (similar to my case, she was my first love), I suggest you give up. She's not going to go out with you unless you are baptized (which takes years [I did it in 2]), have a full time job, and of course thats if she agrees as well (JW's are encouraged to be single so they can do more for Jehovah).
I loved this girl for years and I had to give her up. It may be tough for you right now but it's a lot better than wasting years of your life and then deciding to quit and having HER shun you (because of THEIR policy) and everybody else.
At least right now you can still talk to her. That's probably as far as you're gonna go but still better than anything else you're hoping for.
BTW, JWs need a chaperone whenever they go on a date and no touching (including hugs and kisses)