This could equal billions of dollars net gain on the Society's books.
this is about getting money OFF the books. purely donated funds from month to month are not assets
they are trying to "look" poor while guarenteeing their revenue stream.
dear friends.
i never was a dub.
i am not a qualified lawyer or accountant.
This could equal billions of dollars net gain on the Society's books.
this is about getting money OFF the books. purely donated funds from month to month are not assets
they are trying to "look" poor while guarenteeing their revenue stream.
breaking news :charity commission takes watchtower to charity tribunal in britain.
two weeks ago we run an article about the abuse case in moston manchester congregation .it would seem that the coverage from the main local newspaper manchester evening news and two national newspapers has alarmed the charity commission the official regulator for charities in england and wales and now for the first time !
they opened an official investigation on both charities ,the local one ,moston congragation and the central one jehovah's witnesses of britain indicating that in their eyes these two are connected and liable for any misconduct .this is the time for a concentrated campaign from all of us to inform the charity commission why the watchtower should not be a called a charity .the article above has a link for the charity commission complaint page .follow it!.
substantial movement of capital (or at least a transfer on balance sheets) which may substantially affect potential damages/compensation claims against the organisation.
interesting podcast to listen to.
exjws go head to head with ex-mormons on which religion is weirder.
they had judges that determined who won..
i always took comfort knowing that at least the mormons were weirder than us! I have to disagree, while both are at the top of the weird scale, my opinion is 1 - Scientology 2 - Mormons 3 - JW's
a new set of income statistics answers those questions quite clearly: yes, college is worth it, and its not even close.
for all the struggles that many young college graduates face, a four-year degree has probably never been more valuable.. here is the article from the new york times:.
And with higher education you would be less likely to annoy me on this site, which is by far the most important thing. LOL.
Yeah dude! I toootallly no what you mean! So many idiots say like so many stupid things that are just like sooo dum! I just wish only smarterer people would say shit on here all the time sometimes
some have wondered if "captives of a concept" had anything to do with why the governing body changed their interpretation of the most important scripture in their theology at their annual meeting on october 6, 2012.. this is because the book places great emphasis on the societys interpretation of matthew 24:45-47 and then holds them to it while examining the organizations history to make sure that went on in its history fits their interpretation.
this comparison is essential to the societys claim to being gods organization.. their previous interpretation came from their former most imminent bible scholar president frederick franzs in his "gods kingdom of a thousand years has approached.
" their history comes from their "jehovahs witnesses proclaimers of gods kingdom.".
Prologos is correct
you they have not moved the appointment of the F&DS to a future event, this according the the July 15, 2013 WT did happen in 1919. What is future is the appointment over "all his belongings"
The WTS used to teach that the F&DS existed uninterrupted since Pentecost 33CE to our day. As Blondie pointed out, it was in 1919 that F&DS was appointed over all the belongings.
this meant that Russel was of the F&DS.
Now they teach that the F&DS was not appointed at all until 1919. This eliminates Russel as a member of the F&DS. It also sweeps under the rug all of the false teachings that the WTS was mired in up to that point. In fact, the cleansing period from 1914-1919 took place to rid them of these teachings.
Correct me if I'm wrong, was there not also inference that their imprisonment was due to these false teachings? and thus after they were released they were now the F&DS and cleaned up the org to what it is today?
This was a great way for the BOrg to disassociate themselves from Russel's lunacy, after all, he wan't of the F&DS, he was just a precursor to it, like John the Baptist was to Jesus. this also nicely connects the role of the F&DS to Jesus in its importance.
This was as insane as was ingenius
at the meeting the other night, the elder who had to read the announcements, which included the $$ info for the new donation arrangement seemed downright disgusted as he read the announcements and asked for the vote.
he said, "well, here is another organizational change" as he read the letter about the discontinuation of the 2nd meeting during co visit.
then after they voted, he said if you have any questions ask this other elder as if he wanted nothing to do with it.
discontinuation of the 2nd meeting during CO visit. ???
nestor and toni kuilan are writing a book of their memoirs surrounding their experience with the 1980 apostasy hunts.. .
read a little bit about it here:.
oh and btw, please dont mail any tax recepits or anything, im "still in" and not ready to get bustedvyet ;)
nestor and toni kuilan are writing a book of their memoirs surrounding their experience with the 1980 apostasy hunts.. .
read a little bit about it here:.
i wish i could give more
anyone else here readig this, please think about supporting randy in some small way, he does so much for our community
tx randy!
today my extended family lost someone much too young.
my 18 month old cousin bryler fell in a swimming pool yesterday and was missing for several minutes before he was discovered.
his mom and grandmother and several other family members performed cpr and tried to revive him while waiting on the ambulance (which took quite a while as they live in the backwoods of southern oklahoma).
my heart aches over reading this
so unbelievabley tragic
so the next time you are in a group of witnesses and discussion about a sad event where people died occurs (such as a car accident, natural disaster etc), just casually say:.
" oh well, that's a few less people jehovah has to kill at don't be upset! least they now get a resurrection".
that will make witnesses think!.
i heard friends joke about using pitchforks to clean up all the dead bodies