If you don't think dressing a 5-year old in a suit and punshing him if he doesn't sit still for 2 hours is cruel, then we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
I didn't say anything about punishing them. I said its not cruel for kids to be made to be quiet and respectful for 2 hours. I disagree with punishment for something like that.
Cofty - yes I was born in. And no, I didn't like sitting at meetings. But I didn't like sitting in school from 9am to 3:45pm everyday from age 5 to 18 either but I did that too. was that cruel? And please don't make a strawman by comparing the usefulness or benefit of each, that's not the issue.
I understand we all have our issues with the Org. but seriously, not all churches have sunday school for kids, lots of kids sit quietly in church, lots of kids sit quitly in school, and lots of adults work in a respectful work environment. Why are some so quick to point a finger solely at the WTS without considering all the others they are implicating with their accusal?