I have been completely inactive for almost 5 years
I miss 60% of meetings or more easily each month, and no one bothers me about it. I have never experienced this in my life. My memories of "spiritually weak" times in my life were a very real and tangible shunning from families in the cong. Sure they would be freindly at the Hall but I would never get invited out to anything social.
Now i am very active socially and nobody... ever, questions me about my "service" or why I am not an MS.
I have numerous friends in their 40's none of which are MS's or elders. This was unheard when/where I grew up. I remember even as a child having this conditioning present, that is if a brother was in his 40's or older and wasn't serving I would assume they were weak. they must be of course otherwise why wouldn't they be?
I definitely feel like people don't care that much anymore