The WT does make a pretense of encouraging JWs to study the early history of the "earthly organization:" Like them [the sons of Korah], do you have a desire to study and recount the history of the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization? The more you learn about God’s organization and how Jehovah supports his people, the more real God’s Kingdom will be to you. -- w2012 8/15, p. 12, para. 5 - [Emphasis added]
But imagine if all the JWs really did that! It would cause a nightmare of trouble for the GB.
but thats the beauty of suggesting this. They know that no one will take the time to research cause they are already over burdened with hectic "thoecratic" schedule. But by "saying" this the R&F have a retort to any suggesting the WTS is concealing its past indiscretions.
JW - "no, they're not hiding anything, they actually ENCOURAGE us to study the history of the organization. SEE! YOUR WRONG!"
free thinkin person - "have you ever studied the history then?"
JW - "I don't need to, I KNOW its the TRUTH"
free thinking person - *sigh...." fml" whispered under breath