i experienced sleep paralysis once, like others here, I too thought it was a "demon attack" of some sort. I now know better.
My mother used to go through my music collection whenever she had one of her infamous "demon attacks"
Now when R&F talk about "demon" events I have no qualms making it known I think its all horse shit. JW's hate it when you do this, they want these events to deepen their faith, so when I tell them I believe otherwise they take offense.
I've asked some: "how is it your [relative] had so many demon attacks over the years with the whole family serving Jehovah? Worshiping Jehovah is a protection for us, what was he/she doing to invoke the demons? I have never had a demon attack in my life. Why are they picking your relatives to attack?"
Questioning the "spirituality" of their relatives usually quiets them down.
My favorite is the old "garage sale item" story.... you know, where they bought an old tea pot or blanket at a garage sale and suddenly start having demon attacks and they threw the blanket in the fire and it wouldn't burn until they called out "Jehovah!" repeatedly.
well what about your used car or old home? should I only buy new everything for the rest of my life??