wallsofjericho, you must either have no experience with cats or be cold and heartless. My wife and I marvel every day at and get great joy from the many sweet, affectionate cats that live with us. I would hate to be like you.
I grew up with cats. I am tired of cleaning fur off all my clothes, emptying litter boxes, dealing with hacked up hair balls, smelly cat food, etc...
you would "hate" to be like me? like what? someone that doesn't like cats? you would hate to be like someone who doesn't like cats? what the hell is that supposed to mean? I don't much care for tofu, would you hate to be like someone that doesn't like tofu?
just to make sure of your hatred for me, in the country we have the privlige of dealing with all the unwanted cats of city folks who dump their cats off in the country. Then they get distemper and I have to shoot those cats and bury them. I've shot several. How do you like me now?