hey everyone, here is a fun little test....
: http://www.mystcweb.net/Misc/Smart.htm
hey everyone, here is a fun little test..... : http://www.mystcweb.net/misc/smart.htm.
enjoy .
hey everyone, here is a fun little test....
: http://www.mystcweb.net/Misc/Smart.htm
for those of you who missed it, last night on 'south park' when thousands of people had died and were about to meet satan in hell, one of them asked "why am i here?
i was a faithfull protestant my entire life!
" the demon answered "oh i'm sorry, that was the wrong religion.
slayer, that episode is one of my favorite southparks. i about pissed myself the first time i saw the bit about which religion goes to heaven
thnx for reminding to watch the rerun on sunday evening.
one of my regrets about my 20 year stint of jw-dom is that i got rid of a lot of my 'questionable' music.
i have always loved all kinds of music, and i've been an avid collector for as long as i can remember.. some of the recordings i had i will probably never see again.
i deeply regret my decision to get rid of some of my favorite items.
of the "Up with Clits" class
you rock!
rizzy .
insanity in individuals is something rare- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.
- nietzsche
hiya bugsy's wife
nice to meet you, can't wait to chat with you.
rizzy .
insanity in individuals is something rare- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.
- nietzsche
LOL wendy and riz
bugsy, you are quite the ladies man i see
....superrrrr elderrrrr!.
heeeere i am to save the daaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!
and maybeee ruin a few liiiiives!.
keep these coming guys, i love 'em
harmony (sitting at work, LMAO, and getting strange looks from my co-workers..lol)
i'm just wondering if when anyone else hears people (jw's) say "well we must be living in the last days because look how awful the world is, look how awful people are to each other, look at the earthquakes, etc, etc, etc" that is doesn't really seem to make sense?
i mean look at the old testament.
i don't think people could be any crappier to each other than the examples put forth there!
i feel the same why you do as far as the "last days". in my very humble opinion, life today for the majority is much better than it was even 100 years ago. when people or a group of people start focusing on only the bad/negative things, they end up with a skewed vision on how the world really is. of course, terrible things happen to people everyday, but great things happen too. i think it is important for people to have a balanced view of what is going on in the world.
i tend to be one of those people that always looks on the bright side of things. the jws and their "last days" crap never sat well with me.
ps. BW, welcome to the board
once again fred lurks where he isn't allowed.
why are you here fred?
maybe you're a closet apostate?.
you ROCK my world! LOLOLOLOLOL
if after all the years of being shunned by family , friends , would you forgive or forget them and all the misery they handed you, or maybe let them think about it for somtime before you talked to them again.
of course this can only happen freely if they left the org.
i agree with everyone here, i would forgive them. my best friend shunned me for 6 yrs. then she got in contact with me again, i was jumping around the living room, so happy that she finally woke up that day i will never forget. i just hope my sis and bro will wake up soon and realize how ridiculous/hurtful/disgusting shunning is.
since drifting from the org over the last year or so i have been slowly updating my clothes.
i thought maybe it was just me who had been dressing like a middle aged matron since i was 23 but whilst talking to a young xsister recently i learnt that she too has thrown out most of the clothes she used to wear whilst a dub.. has anyone else found themselves doing this, and is it just a female thing?
haha wendy i just had to reply to you, i have three tattoos. an arm band (but it doesn't really go all the way around....first half hurt like hell!), a turtle on my lower back, left side and a gecko around my right ankle (but i'm getting a new tattoo done over the gecko). i think you should go for it and get a tattoo!
this thread is interesting. i've always loved to express myself thru clothes and was lucky that my 'rents allowed me to dress however i wanted to for school. of course, meetings and assemblies, i was expected to dress modestly, conservatively, etc (puke!) so it was great after leaving, not needing to waste my money on clothing that i'd only wear to meetings when i turned 18, i got my first tat, the turtle.
when i turned 21, i went thru a "stage", not sure what to call it but it was fun i cut all my hair off, bleached it white, got my tongue and belly button pierced and got the arm band tat.
i think i've mellowed out a bit now....but still have fun with clothes and my style. like wendy, i too sport hip huggers and a 'kini now. i think if i were a dub now, (sheesh! i can't even complete that sentence...the horror!) i do still love to wear skirts, long, medium and short but not right away after i left. i've discovered that long skirts are the most comfortable clothing around. and skirts are so much more comfortable in hot and humid weather
anyway....before i get carried away on this whole clothes/tattoos/self-expression deal..lol.
it's great to see others having fun with self expression
lots of love