lisa, sorry your mom is such a pain in the ass...but man! your story had me ROTFLMAO hugs to ya sweetie ((((((lisa))))))
well, my parents (from ny) came out to visit a couple of weeks ago, no notice or anything (they live 3,000 miles away) and knocked on my door on a friday evening.. as hubby was not home from work yet, and i was laying down from yet another migraine, i got extremely agitated when the doorbell rang.
now, i don't open my door for anyone when i'm not feeling well.
to make a long story short, it was my parents, who spent about 6 days.
lisa, sorry your mom is such a pain in the ass...but man! your story had me ROTFLMAO hugs to ya sweetie ((((((lisa))))))
by now most of us have heard the urban legends of smurfs vs. jw's.. such as smurf dolls walking down kingdom hall aisles or strangling jw babies (replaced dingos eating them in australia lol).. the initial problem jw's had with smurfs was that on the tv show they were conjuring up spells, later more ummm "enlightened" jw viewers started questioning a community of all males with only one female (smurfette).. so jw's felt that it was not appropriate for jw children to watch shows about magic.. it is this same reasoning that has scared some away more recently rom harry potter novels and pokemon.. it was stupid when it involved smurfs and is just as stupid now.
but there ya have it, the main reasons (if you can call them that...) that jw's hate smurfs and developed such wild stories to enforce their opinion.. kismet
hey, about the cabbage patch dolls, i had two of them growing up, never heard about them being demonized....but i heard about smurfs, troll dolls, lucky dumb..lolol
and tally, if you've known about this and have been holding out on us, well, let's see you spin a page with this "gem" hahahahahaha.. .
scally (heavy metal class)
my mother got all five of us kids these medical alert bracelets when we were sad
hey guys,.
yes i have too much time on my hands today, and created this website just for your entertainment.
please check it out and let me know what you think.
hey slayer, that was just excellant...LMAO
can't wait for more....
okay, i think i'm gonna be sick now.....that is just disgusting!
hello all, registered just to post this and see what you all had to say about this.
i, for one, am in shock.
it was anounced today on "extra" and they said we would soon see a change in his music because he was "marrying his music to his religion.
hey guys, btw, i'm loving the lyrics....LOLOLOL, keep em coming
hello all, registered just to post this and see what you all had to say about this.
i, for one, am in shock.
it was anounced today on "extra" and they said we would soon see a change in his music because he was "marrying his music to his religion.
hey lisa,
i totally agree with you.....i'm sure the smoke surrounding paisley park is thick from all the love bombing. if he is sincere in his beliefs now, well good for him. i hope he (and along with 6 million other jws) will eventually realize that something is lacking in their lives (for me it was the ability to make my own decisions). for some, though, the jws were the very thing that was lacking in their lives. it appears to me that more and more are staying with the jws for less and less time... only time will tell how long prince will remain a jw under the watch of the GB.....
enjoy the day
hello all, registered just to post this and see what you all had to say about this.
i, for one, am in shock.
it was anounced today on "extra" and they said we would soon see a change in his music because he was "marrying his music to his religion.
yes, their child had died shortly before i heard mention of prince attending/studying with jws. i feel bad for him too.
hello all, registered just to post this and see what you all had to say about this.
i, for one, am in shock.
it was anounced today on "extra" and they said we would soon see a change in his music because he was "marrying his music to his religion.
well i have an interesting story to tell you all.
let's see, it was two or three years ago, my mom had told me the most interesting news (er, gossip?), she said that larry graham and prince had been at their hall. well, since i'm a minnesota girl, the idea that prince had actually been in the hall i had grown up in was pretty neat. and that larry graham was there too (i remember reading his story while not paying attention to wt study). so anyway, i leave, go about my life.....
some time passes (coulda been a week but not more than 6 months), my mom invites me to the memorial and i say i'll be there, just like every year. memorial night arrives, my boyfriend and i drive 30 minutes to my parents hall. i pull into the parking lot, notice a limo and think hmmmmmm. well we stroll into the kingdom hall (btw, this is my boyfriend's first and only visit to the hall), head up the stairs, looking for my family. the talk is just about to start so there is that mad rush (huh?) to the seats. finally i see my family, sitting in the back...but wait, they are not in the last's, it's, ohmygod! it's prince! LOL so we sit down...sing a song, say a prayer, talk begins....blah blah blah you know the rest
after the meeting, i was able to get a good look at prince and his wife. he is shorter than me and his wife is absolutey gorgeous. there was a slight throng of people around him but everyone seemed to be able to control themselves, i mean, we wouldn't want any creature worshipping going on, especially on memorial night! lol
so anyway, there's my story
ps. last i heard, prince was no longer attending my parents hall but had started going to one closer to his home/recording studio.
hey people .
well, um, ya, so i'm just gonna offer some free, unsolicited adive here...... quick aside: for those of you that don't know me, here's a little background (short and sweet version)....raised a jw, baptized at 15, da'd at 17. .
here is a little plh philosophy:.
i am LMAO at your post! thanks i can totally relate, i have three horrendous license pics....ahhhh the dmv! lolol
have a great one