well guys, my mom invited me to this sunday's public talk. my esteemed bro-in-law, who is visiting from out of state, will be the speaker. actually, i guess technically, my sister invited me, thru my mom of course since she doesn't really associate with me *gag*
i will go not because i think i'll be interested in anything i hear from the platform but because i think i can use this opportunity to instill some thinking ability into my brothers raised-as-witnesses brains. plus this may be the only chance i see my sis on her visit. very very sad it has to be at the kingdum hall. hmm, wonder if i'll get the invite for lunch after the meeting? normally, it would be assumed i'd come over for lunch, but hey with mr elder b-i-l there, who knows! he is not my favorite person
can you tell?? hehe
anyway, i'll be sure to chug lots of coffee before the meeting so i can stay awake! (may also help with the hangover, got a girls night thing planned saturday night. thank god the cong. voted to change the start time to 10am!)

not a RULES girl