JoinedTopics Started by Joojoobean
'Aid to Answering Correspondence' book?
by Joojoobean inwe've finished reading ray franz' books (crisis of conscience and in search of christian freedom) where ray mentions a book of guidelines for those answering letters, calls, email, to bethel hq.
i wondered if this has found its way onto the internet yet?
i'd be very interested in a look if so.. .
How do I help my friend?
by on the rocks inhe has been by buddy since child hood we stayed in the same area and same attended the congregation.
he agrees most of the things taught by the wt is rubbish...but says whats the alternative where dose he go from here.
any idea/tips..
Love Your Neighbor Means Hate Your Neighbor
by TOTH ini think bill maher hits it on the head with this monologue..
Help! Torn Mother (my mom) between to daughters (me nonJW and pioneer all faithful JW)
by Butterflyleia85 inmy mother's text: "she tried to love u and be ur sis and leave jw out but when she invited u to memorial like last year she was thinking all religions believe in dead of christ so she wanted u to know when it was and have an invite but u had to send her scriptures back and stuff instead of saying i dont feel comfortable goin... and u dont see it that way u blame it all on jw instead of taking some responsibility for trying or not trying but just hurting her with bring up stuff.
that hurts her.
she tried last summer remember she even went swimming with u and did things with u. it wasnt until she saw u post things and blame jw that she had to cut ties.".
She's trying to make her a publisher...
by MsGrowingGirl20 insoooo, i've been sudying the bible with a 10 year old girl for two years now...her mother recently got baptised.
since i've been having doubts about the org i've centered our discussions on god and the bible and less on pleasing the org...i was doing fine.... until i invited an older pioneer sister to accompany me on the study....heeeeeeesh...she changed the topic from having manners to becoming an unbaptised publisher....she went onnnnn and onnnnn about "don't you want to please jehovah and jesus, wouldn't you like to put in a form every month and you do love jehovah and want to tell others about him,right?
" i was so upset.. i treat and love this girl as if she was my little sister and i do not want her to nose dive into this religion...she's a child for god's sake!.
My son was murdered today
by truman ini have been on this site daily, almost from its beginning, since i left the jws in 2001, but i have been more of a reader than a poster, as you can see from my post count.
i know few here know me, although i know many of you through reading your posts.
maybe it is not right to ask for support, when i generally stay quietly in the background of this forum, but i want only to speak a human misery of the deepest kind.
by still thinking inthis is an honest question on my part.
someone on this board asked me 'how do you know' a while ago and i really struggled with it.
in fact, it was a turning point for me.
Regarding Acts 15 and a "Governing Body"
by Ding ini couldn't find a window on which to post in xtreemlyconfused17's acts 15 thread, so i'm responding here.
some elder claimed that acts 15 shows the existence of a first century governing body.. quite the opposite!.
let's back up to acts 13. there, the holy spirit called saul (paul) and barnabas to missionary work.
Possible Facebook blunder
by exwhyzee inso i made a couple of comments on my older brother's fb and i think i might have gone too far.. a little background.
my brother is a pretty popular guy... i am about a year younger than him and although we currently live on opposite coasts of the us., i know most of his jw friends.
he has about 600 fb friends and is on his page daily making announcements on there as if he's ashton kutcher talking to his fans....or something.