JoinedPosts by Tater-T
Urgent: Pope Benedictus resigns: a good example for GB
by Gorbatchov injust in the news: pope benedictus is resigning.
this should be a good example for the gb of our church organization.
there are reasons enough: child abuse (conti case etc), failed prophecies (slave classe, un/osce), killing doctrines (blood doctrine etc, shunning / suicide) and fraude (investment corporation instead of church).. so it would be nice to read on bbc news: governing body of jehovah's witnesses resigns and make way for a new generation that embraces christian freedom.. gorby.
Are atheists afraid of archaeology?
by Xanthippe inlarsinger thinks we are.
i have to answer this because it makes my blood boil.
this is one of the key things that trapped me in a religion for the first 30 years of my life.. we were told the archaeologists have found ur of the chaldeans, babylon, nineveh and evidence for the existence of the hittites.therefore the other things in the bible must be true.. archaeologsts have also found troy in modern day turkey.
The nice thing about being Atheist is there is really nothing to fear... If God and all his angels finally show up ... we would be like woops I guess we were wrong all along.. and this loving God will fogive us..
so until then we are free.. from all that
Quickly becoming one of my favorite bands.
by dazed but not confused ini don't usually like folk bands but i love these guys.
the lumineers.
they were just on snl this last saturday.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvcbsswgtg4.
hey they won the grammy for best new artist
edit : my bad ..FUN won best new artist, I was mistaken..sry
That sweet, tingling feeling...
by MsGrowingGirl20 inthat sweet, tingling feeling you get, no matter how hard life is at the time, when you remember that you're free.
that feeling reminds you that it's okay to not be sure about everything and it's okay to love persons even if they don't read the same literature or hold the same views as you.. it's okay to make mistakes because the people who love you will not pull back their love and association because of it.. the persons who are around you genuinely love you and are not just trying to portray 'love' because it looks good to 'potential' sheep.. it's even okay to try new things and it isn't a bad thing when you're actually enjoying life.. i don't have to try to be someone that i'm not and my worth is not, not.... my worth is not measured by a number on a piece of paper.. i can go through life at my own pace and i can be different.. that feeling reminds me that i can be myself!.
i know that you get that feeling also.
I get that sweet tingling feeling when I listen to this song
when she hits the note and sings... "and I can't be.. anyone but me.... anyone but me..
and I can't keep dreaming that I'm Free.. dreaming that I'm free"
glad you are feeling free
Does Satan approve of Jehovah's Witnesses' understanding of "proper hate"
by I_love_Jeff indoes jehovah's witnesses' understanding of "proper hate" justify satan's cause?
My ex JW sister is an APOLOGIST!!!!!
by joyfulfader ini have had a few conversations with my sister who left the org several years ago and has been dating a non jw for several years now.
she celebrates the holidays and everything.
so the other day i brought up some of the things i have learned since leaving.
I was out for over 20+ years before I figured it out.. I became an atheist.. but still maintained if? then the WT would be the one...
It was terrifing to examine at first, but my desire for the truth won out.. and I had to know.. Final reasoning was if it's the truth it will hold up to anything...
It didn't hold up to squat...
It was traumatic at first too...
What is your religious belief now?
by jwfacts ini have a new poll at jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/ as i am very interested to see what people have moved on to believe.
as this is considered sensitive by some, you can answer anonymously at the jwfacts.mobi/pollsarchive/, or answer on this thread.
this is what i have created in the list, but feel free to add comments, corrections, or options i have missed.. .
OTWO ...me too
Books that make you go hmm....
by jgnat init's occurred to me that i have been reshaped by the books i have read, taking my new knowledge for granted, and forgetting that those around me have not been on the same journey.
as a consequence sparks fly, as iron sharpening iron, as we strive to understand each other (or to insist that we are not the same).
there are a few books that stand out, as i refer to them over and over again.
Has anyone seen this? The old guys in NY give their thoughts on IN Vitro fertilization
by wha happened? inso giving your fertilized egg to a surrogate is pornia.
another "cult" tell..... having an answer for everything....
aka.. being presumptuous
Adjective (of a person or their behavior) Failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate. Synonyms arrogant - presuming - conceited - overweening - insolent -
I spoke up today
by hoser inthe fire was burning within me to say something so i mustered up the courage and did it.. .
we were for lunch after the meeting sitting at the same table as a pioneer sister, her unbaptized publisher bible study, and the bible study's teenage son.
the pioneer was telling the unbaptised publisher about how no one from sodom and gomorrah would get a resurrection because they were killed directly by god's judgment.. this is where i had heard enough.
you were being encouraging.. to research fine WT propaganda publications..