aunt connie.. the verdict is finally in for me... you are hellarious.. I finally get you making fun of the JW's ..
JoinedPosts by Tater-T
Do you have friends/family still in the organization waiting for a big "cleansing" to occur?
by Pyramid Scheme ini have had some great conversations with friends and family lately who are still in the organization.. when i explain my feelings and beliefs, and discuss a number of the scandals surrouding the wt, they agree with me 100% - even expressing some things i didn't expect them to say as far as doctrine and teachings.
in other words, they can see the obvious problems and want them to change.
all of them little trust in the leadership, and have expressed disgust with several elders in the congregations they attend.
Republican Party is pretty much done!
by free2beme inafter leaving the jehovah's witnesses, i started getting in to politics.
i naturally found myself going republican and voted a long those lines.
however, with my more pagan nature and being pretty much against christianity.
the biggest fallacy is that they want smaller government... they just don't want a government employee to do a job they know the government should provide... they want it to go to a contractor... their contactor, so they can make a profit off the government..
examples .. prisons .. the Iraq war ..
Please restart 2013
by akafreelife inthis year is not going so great.
lost my love, got forgotten on my birthday, car got hit the day before my birthday, car got hit yet again last weekend, and today i got a flat tire.
what the f did i do to karma to deserve this crap?
Ya that never helps.. I went through the same thing two years ago.. I hooked up with GF from when I was in 7th grade.. we were twelve..
It had been 25 years.. she was in Kentucky I live in Idaho.. she came out we hooked up she went back then we kept at it till she wants to come home to Idaho... everything felt so right... I was in love.. I went and got her, she moved in real quick (related to your story)... then things went to hell.
I don't want to relive it but similar to ypur story.. I hung on when I nknew I should have walked .. So I appaud you for leaving when you did ..
I didn't and suffered way longer than I should have.. but it isn't easy to let go of something you want.. so I know exactly how you feel..
I really don't think there is a cure all for a broken heart.. But some day you will look back and it won't be so bad.. you just can't see it yet
I listen to the cure when I'm down,, it's depesing some say.. but it takes me to the bottom so I can rise again
Please restart 2013
by akafreelife inthis year is not going so great.
lost my love, got forgotten on my birthday, car got hit the day before my birthday, car got hit yet again last weekend, and today i got a flat tire.
what the f did i do to karma to deserve this crap?
probably better to lamament here... I suggest when your out and about fake it ... If some asks, " how's it going"... LIE!!
say " Things have never been better"
Please restart 2013
by akafreelife inthis year is not going so great.
lost my love, got forgotten on my birthday, car got hit the day before my birthday, car got hit yet again last weekend, and today i got a flat tire.
what the f did i do to karma to deserve this crap?
dude that totally sucks.... sounds like you're in a slump... keep swingin man... ya just gotta keep swinging ..
just one little victory will turn it around.
Christian questions to ask current JWs
by Christ Alone inhere are some questions that i thought would be interesting to ask a jw if they were open to a free and open discussion.
this assumes a christian worldview that the bible is the word of god.
if you have any others, please post them!
all that... whew!!
and you could just ask ," why do you protect pedophiles?'' keep it simple
The Watchtower Society has come to grips with the futility of D2D preaching
by wasblind inyou don't even have to read between the lines, they say it straight out on their website.
" in many countries, more and more people obtain information online.".
who'd a thunk it .
thanks Jeffro... I think most JW's think there is I did when I was in..
Did we ever fulfill Mathew 24:14?
by raymond frantz ini know ... many mistakes and a nasty leadership ,but did jehovah's witnesses fulfill even partially matthew 24:14 :"the good news will be preached in all the inhabited earth and then the end will come "are we to expect a final or a completely different fulfilment of this verse ?
placing MAGAZIES is in no way PREACHING... so that is a big FAT NO...
Are we on the brink of another world war?
by slimboyfat ini don't want to be an alarmist or anything... .
but i read this article in the economist today that argued it is only a matter of time until china and japan exchange shots over some small islands in between the two countries, it could escalate to full scale war, and the united states is treaty bound to come to aid of japan.
on top of that the united states is making diplomatic visits to various countries borderning china in a move that is viewed extremely negatively in beijing.
US won't cut ties with China ... no matter what ...
I have disagreement with something I read about Bethel, need input
by Truth and Justice ini have read on this site, that there really is'nt anymore invites to bethel, and yet my 2 nephews have just been invited.
they are both serving as we speak.
i do understand that there has to be somebody there for the matter of maintenance, plumbing, and etc., to just keep the building operational, and my personal opinion is that they aren't there for that reason.
hey jesus was a carpenter.. they are following jesus .. lol @ snare