the 70ad event is a recorded historical fact before you made that assumption it would be wise to check it out consider all things right
JoinedPosts by maccauk
One Question to ask any JW that will blow their end times out of the water
by maccauk inask any jw this one question.
are there any apostles from the 1st century still walking the earth alive today ?.
100% will say there are no apostles from the 1st century alive today.
check out my youtube channel christians rising and i will show you from the scriptures the resurrection and the second coming were also in the first century
my facebook
Ye si iwll provide the elink eyes open
Go find out for yourself
The Second Coming of Christ
by maccauk inthe second coming of christ was in the 1st century at the destruction of jerusalem the temple the law and the old covenants.
so the new eternal covenant came into force in which people of every tribe tongue and nation would enter into.
the new jerusalem not built by human hands nor with bricks and mortar its spiritual cannot be seen but people will stream to it the sin issue is done there is no more judgment for those in christ .
The Parousia of Christ has been here since the 1st century only if you look for it will you find it. In fact its not far from you. The Mystery of the ages revealed to those who want to become one with christ. That mystery is christ in you the hope of glory. The Kingdom of God is within you and around you.
The Second Coming of Christ
by maccauk inthe second coming of christ was in the 1st century at the destruction of jerusalem the temple the law and the old covenants.
so the new eternal covenant came into force in which people of every tribe tongue and nation would enter into.
the new jerusalem not built by human hands nor with bricks and mortar its spiritual cannot be seen but people will stream to it the sin issue is done there is no more judgment for those in christ .
Fisherman you got it man . I can also tell you Jesus is the New Israel
One Question to ask any JW that will blow their end times out of the water
by maccauk inask any jw this one question.
are there any apostles from the 1st century still walking the earth alive today ?.
100% will say there are no apostles from the 1st century alive today.
Ask any JW this one question
Are there any Apostles from the 1st Century still walking the earth alive today ?
100% will say there are no apostles from the 1st century alive today
OK so we have all established there are none alive today
Then how can the second coming of Christ be anytime now.Because he told the APostles some of them would be still ALIVE when he returned in his Kingdom
And to add to that is the high priest Jesus spoke to still alive today obviousley no
Jesus told the high priest he would also be alive when he returned with all his angels in his Kingdom
The only outcome is that the second coming was in 70ad in that generation in which some were still alive
Shunning Unbiblical
by maccauk inthe word shunning is an old english word which has not history pre 18th century.
the practice of avoiding, hiding,ignore or reject was used in the bible against another according to the law.
the law was still in force up until the consumation of the age when jerusalem, the temple, the old covenants were all destroyed forever and when the messiah came back for his elect with the resurrected at the same time.
The word shunning is an Old English word which has not history pre 18th century. The practice of avoiding, hiding,ignore or reject was used in the bible against another according to the law. The law was still in force up until the consumation of the age when Jerusalem, the temple, the old covenants were all destroyed forever and when the Messiah came back for his elect with the resurrected at the same time. The New Spiritual Jerusalem of which Christ is the true Israel is no longer under law. Meaning Where there is no law there is no sin, where there is no sin there is no judgement, where there is no judgement. So shunning doe snot exist in Gods Kingdom which is not made with human hands nor of anything made with bricks and mortar. The mystery of the ages revealed to the gentiles by Paul in which all Christians should be able to testify to is Christ In You the Hope of Glory. These ones have been sacrificed with Christ, died with Christ, buried with Christ and resurrected with Christ throuhout the generations since then. Its all spiirtual . All things were fulfilled in the 1st century never to be repeated again. SO if you have been a victim of shunning then that is unbiblical and not of God.
matthew 9:13
But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
If you have left or thinking of leaving
If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent.
Mercy is the key to Christian life and WT have failed many people by acting with mercy and shunning others for stupid things like asking questions and seeking answers and clarity on teachings etc
tell your story on ex jehovah witness refuge on facebook its a new group for those who have left and still with faith in Christ. Im an EX JW