I was appointed MS 10 years ago. Was very happy at that time!
After I married, I found the disturbing truth about WT past and lost all confidence in it.
Since that:
- 2 yrs ago: my monthly reports dropped from 10 to 4 hours / month.
- Never served as Aux Pioneer again.
But, somehow, dispite this obvious change in my activity nobody said anything and I continued serving as a MS.
- I found that my wife was emailing love msgs to other guy (she never saw). It was very painful to me. There was a judicial committee envolving her, she regret and was not disfellowshiped. I told them I needed a pause in my MS designation - they asked me to reconsider, and said they would decrease my participation in meetings. Somehow, still a MS!!!
- A few weeks after this judicial committee, me and my wife deparated. STILL a MS!!! (After 7 a month separation, she promissed she would change - I decided to give her another chance)
- My service report dropped to 2 hours (that I don't even do - it's been 4 months since I dont go to preaching service).
- I told my wife I don't trust in the organization anymore. She lost her faith and won't even go to the meetings. For 2 months now, I am going alone.
Somehow, after all this - I AM STILL A MS!!!!
the reason? they desperatly need "qualified" (well, not-so-qualified) men the help with all the organizational crap. They don't even care about the motivation - it is cheap WORK they need.