You can help by always remembering that this perverted thinking will contine as long as stupid J-Dubs remain Zombies.
If the members remain Zombies, they the GB will gladly lead them like zombies. Pepper
hearing slated for suit against church
sunday, may 11, 2003
You can help by always remembering that this perverted thinking will contine as long as stupid J-Dubs remain Zombies.
If the members remain Zombies, they the GB will gladly lead them like zombies. Pepper
ok, maybe not a real scandal, but this really bugs the hell out of me!
in short, the kingdom hall i went to as child and teen, is being sold to a church.
my mother (still active) informed me of this.
How stupid, they sell to a church and then they teach what the Dubs call false religion, then the Dubs go and call onn these poor smucks and get them to leave their church and be a J Dub. Stupid as bloody hell. Pepper
dear alpo,.
this is shelbie (sweetdreamer) from jwotw.
i wanted to write you to let you know that your post regarding the above website,
I sure have to puke when i read this supper fine holy molley crap.
Sorry but my daughter was abused and the elders did squat, they told me to do nothing; so I told them to put it where the sun don't shine and to go to blazes.
This religion is nothing but bloddy hell. Pepper
i am not a newbie, i should be a jeteye or some other cool name.
i have been bounceing messages to this site for while now about four years.
so what gives with this newbie stuff anyone care to tell me, i would love to know even the formate is changed i like the old one it was easer, blaah blaah.
I am not a newbie, I should be a Jeteye or some other cool name. I have been bounceing messages to this site for while now about four years. So what gives with this newbie stuff anyone care to tell me, I would love to know even the formate is changed I like the old one it was easer, blaah blaah.
i don't about you all but being raised a jehovah's witness was so ingrained in me that going to the memoral seems the right thing to do at this time of the year.
so i for one will do it for no other reason other than i was trained that way, and of course i like the song they sing its touching and i am a big sinner lord have mercey!
I don't about you all but being raised a Jehovah's Witness was so ingrained in me that going to the memoral seems the right thing to do at this time of the year. So I for one will do it for no other reason other than I was trained that way, and of course I like the song they sing its touching and I am a big sinner lord have mercey! Pepper
i am fighting to save my marriage, and the person i seem to be fighting against is my husband.
a little background, we had a rough time dating, because he had a hard time being faithful.
i caught him cheating three times, and left him, but he kept asking for forgiveness, promising to change, and i bought into it.
Hell sakes divorce him, my wife did and caused all kinds of hurt and pain to our kids, they still are not over it and its been five years. Who ever told you marriage was easy, get a life for hell sakes, you know dam right its better to stay together unless he is going out on you and can't keep his carrot in his pants. Pepper
i am thinking of getting a pistol and i am not sure of what kind to get.
i went to an indoor range today and tried out a glock .45 (the smaller model) and a heavier .45. i found the glock rested well in my hand but i could shoot much more accurately with the heavier (and longer barreled) pistol.
any way, i am looking for a home protection / target practice pistol and would like any input on what caliber to get.
A 9MM is very fast, whereas a 45 is not as fast but it can be compared to being hit with a cheery or potato. You could break up the block of a car engine with a 45 ACP a 9MM not as likely.
Personally I would get a Colt 45 that is what they used in the both wars, and yes keep the longer one. Pepper
previously, we considered what might go on at a judicial, let's see what the reinstatement process entails.
let's use the example of fornication.
you have been disfellowshipped for this sin and now you want to seek reinstatement.
Basicly you have to kiss their God Dam Ass, and do not pardon my french.
Like how can they judge your heart, I thought only God has the know how to do that, may they all go to blazes. I am not sorry for being pissed off for how I feel elders have got this high mighty turd up their ass's they think so dam much of them selfs and no one seems to get sick of it. (puke) Pepper
so many times during the frustrations associated with my brain injury i often asked in brief whispers what is the right religion and please what is truth.
the feeling of being scared has been echoed in my mind untold times.
i used to have a strong belief system and upbringing, now i am a mirrored image or reflection of the man i used to be before my brain injury i don't know what happened to my faith, i guess it just hopped on the wagon of self incrimination along with everything else that was happening around me.
So many times during the frustrations associated with my brain injury I often asked in brief whispers what is the right religion and please what is truth. The feeling of being scared has been echoed in my mind untold times. I used to have a strong belief system and upbringing, now I am a mirrored image or reflection of the man I used to be before my brain injury I don't know what happened to my faith, I guess it just hopped on the wagon of self incrimination along with everything else that was happening around me. (Sign: Jonah) = Lewis
thanks for the advice guys...edited by - confuzcious on 31 january 2003 11:51:20.
Trust me, your wife was looking for a legitimate reason to leave, that in her mind would not ruffle any feathers with her friends or elders. My ex-wife did the same thing, and then I seen her going from door to door in the neighbor hood, I wanted to puke, her preaching Godly things while she was apart from her husband. Its all a bunch of bull shit, most of the crap the Witness teach is amunition for women against their husbands as well as their wifes, shit no one can do all that crap as they say, evn the pampas elders. So there!!!