@ pale.emperor...
Seriously? He actually said that?
Yep. And the worst part is, he and another elder went on a shepherding call to "encourage him" only the very next day.
does the rank and file or the elders view us as disassociated or disfellowshipped or simply "weak" or possibly a "prodigal son" type?.
@ pale.emperor...
Seriously? He actually said that?
Yep. And the worst part is, he and another elder went on a shepherding call to "encourage him" only the very next day.
does the rank and file or the elders view us as disassociated or disfellowshipped or simply "weak" or possibly a "prodigal son" type?.
I'll quote my ex-father in law who is an elder:
Me: Is that a new study?
Him: No, he's a witness but hasn't been the meetings in a few months. He's useless.
a local elder had the part this week on the "good news" brochure.
he said: "if the householder has any questions, direct them to jw.org, don't say, just look up jehovah's witnesses on the internet(an older sister said this at the door), if you do they will be directed to a site visited by apostates and weak witnesses!
" "this mistake, would cause the householder to never accept bible truth".. i thought to myself, wow, i'm sure some listening to this part, will get curious now(many in the hall are just being exposed to the internet, and practicing with their new tablets) and do, just what they were told not to do..
When i was still a JW i visited this site and got angry by the stuff on it. The seeds took root though!
are people taking this man seriously?
he looks genuinely mentally ill. .
front page of the sunshine coast daily, friday 17 march 2017. yvonne, the mother of chris on bride and prejudice, has for the first time explained why she couldn't attend her gay son's wedding.
"As a Christian, it is not my place to hate anyone, but that doesn't mean I have to accept other people's lifestyle choices.
Choices? Like he chose to have white skin? Like he chose to me male? Like he chose to have brown eyes?
"I am not being orchestrated at all by the Jehovah's Witnesses. I am one of them by choice, by free will and I hold that belief."
No, of course you're not. Invite him and his new husband to stay over for the weekend and see what happens.
She said her son "would like our relationship to be like it was".
"We had a very close relationship. I am sure he is missing it. But it can't be that way with his current choices," she said.
So it is her that's doing the shunning. His current choices to feel attracted to males. Just like he chose to have her as a mother.
Horrible excuse for a mother. This cult truly is toxic.
i've been watching quite a bit of gb member stephen lett on youtube recently (no, i'm not thinking of going back to the jws).. i just find him compulsive viewing, like when people slow down to see a car crash.
i find his facial expressions and intonation spell-binding.. it reminds me a bit of john carpenter's the thing, a film where an alien life-form infects a host and imitates it, spreading throughout camps of remote workers in the antarctic.
if i were a bethelite living in close proximity to lett, i'd be thinking about giving him the blood test to see if he was normal, lol.. why does lett speak in public the way he does?
Why would you put this man on the stand?
so noah was a preacher of righteousness.
than how did he warn other pockets of civilizations that were hundreds or thousands of miles away?
and if they were destroyed anyway i thought jehovah only acts after he gives clear warning.. and if there were no other civilzations why the need to destroy the entire earth of every living creature?
And another thing:
Genesis 6:2 - the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. (NIV)
This means that the angels has male sexual urges and materialized male bodies. How come none of them had lust towards the males? Couldn't they have also taken female bodies to take husbands?
this can only be a good sign.. my old congregation in liverpool has had a lot of money in it's bank account for years.
for a long, long time (almost 8 years) they've been looking for land to build a new hall.
the one they're in now is literally falling to bits.
pale.emperor: Could you say which KH that was? I mean, could you point to the old hall and the new (3 year old) hall on google map?
KH's A, G and H will be merging. As my sources tell me, KH "H" will be the one they're all moving to. I can imagine people in KH G just ignoring the direction and just moving to KH J.
this can only be a good sign.. my old congregation in liverpool has had a lot of money in it's bank account for years.
for a long, long time (almost 8 years) they've been looking for land to build a new hall.
the one they're in now is literally falling to bits.
I also heard of a couple who left their house to their local congregation for the pioneers to use. Two or three couples could live there virtually rent free and it would help them financially. When the sister died last year the society would not hear of this arrangement and told the congregation to sell the property and forward the funds to them. This has now happened.
Thats bad. They left it for the pioneers to use. They'd turn in their graves if they knew the society were selling up to compensate a victim of child molestation somewhere.
this can only be a good sign.. my old congregation in liverpool has had a lot of money in it's bank account for years.
for a long, long time (almost 8 years) they've been looking for land to build a new hall.
the one they're in now is literally falling to bits.
local hall has now got a buyer--i understand. ( asking price £500.000.
It begs the question, what does one do with a KH they just bought? It'd make a crap house. Offices maybe?