When I was a JW I dated two girls that were homeschooled. Both were very defensive in the fact that they were homeschooled and both were always trying to prove they were clever and not stupid.
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
Baptized at a young age, homeschooled, and pioneered ...
by Wild_Thing inand all of this by the time i was 14. i was the youngest person in my pioneer school.
was anybody else in the trenches (to this degree) at such a young age?.
i look back on it now and marvel at how isolated i was.
So, you want to become a Jehovah's witness?
by nowwhat? inok your bible study wants to get baptised.
make sure he is aware of what's involved.
here is a checklist.
Funny, all of the active JWs that try to call me a "lying apostate" on Quora say the the JWs are the fastest growing religion?
2017 Convention Video Remember The Wife Of Lot
by pale.emperor inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0qpoelk2r4.
the dad in this is a total douche.
i dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?.
The look of horror on his face when his non JW family are over at his place. Is this how JWs are supposed to react now?
With the 2016 convention telling them to shun inactive family members, I think this is giving the subtle hint that you should only associate with JWs 100%.
The GB are turning up the heat. Fortunately not everyone will go along with that.
2017 Convention Video Remember The Wife Of Lot
by pale.emperor inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0qpoelk2r4.
the dad in this is a total douche.
i dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?.
1:27:24 - has anybody ever received welcome like this from your KH? I never did in the 32 years i attended.
2017 Convention Video Remember The Wife Of Lot
by pale.emperor inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0qpoelk2r4.
the dad in this is a total douche.
i dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?.
The dad in this is a total douche.
I dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?
Please tell me: what is a relationship with the "person" Jehovah like?
by Maryo indoes anyone out there know of any jws that have talked about what their personal relationship with jehovah was like?
for example, hearing his voice, a certain feeling?
an intellectual understanding?
When i was a kid, i remember Jehovah being so real to me. I would pray to him in my head many many times in the day, it was like he was my best friend watching over only me. Unfortunately, this was nothing more than a child with an imaginary friend. Only mine was called Jehovah, he lived in the sky, he had a big white beard and only cared about me (first and foremost), then other JWs.
If you want to know how it feels to have a "personal relationship with Jehovah" all you have to do is imagine there's an invisible person floating over you. Talk to it all the time and give it credit when things go well and blame something else when things go wrong.
If you had the means to kill a terrorist before he detonated would you ?
by Chook ini mean blow their fucking brains out..
I have a friend who is a Dr Who fan. He told me there's an episode where the Dr (Tom Baker) is given the chance to kill an infant Hitler. The Dr flatly refuses as it's still murder. I agree with that. However, the moment Adolf is about to give orders to end lives then he should be taken out.
I think under this condition i would be willing to kill the moment they decide to commit to their plan... as they're on their way to the Manchester Arena with a bag of explosives.
Just ordered the book Crisis of Conscience
by CitizenofEarth inhello there.. i just ordered the book coc, and will son recieve it.
does anyone have anything you want to mention about the book - perhaps some things you stumbled upon that might help me understand something more?
or maybe you have any thoughts you want to share regarding the book?
best book I ever read.
It will certainly change your way of seeing the organization thats for sure. Personally, after reading it, there was no way i could return to the Watchtower society. Ray comes across without a hint of bitterness and it poised at all times. You'll see that he quotes the Watchtower year, month, page and paragraph so you can look it up yourself. Sometimes even reprinting a letter from the society on the page.
You'll enjoy it.
Jehovah's Witnesses target Manchester after terrorist attack
by jwleaks inthe location is outside the arndale centre, manchester, after it was evacuated.
Look closely. The people are behind the cordon. The cart wouldnt be able to approached by anyone even if they wanted to. Obviously it was there before the attack and it's just been left there. Im all for pointing out the organizations failures and lack of honesty but, as Simon says, i dont want us jumping to conclusions and making stuff up. I had enough of half truths and twisted stories when i was a JW.
What was the craziest sight you brothers seen running mikes ?
by Chook ineg ,babies jump where they shouldn't, those hairy old sisters.....
There was one ex-elder who always sat at the back. Ex-elder because he was an angry argumentative bloke who once punched another elder in the face in the back room (it was great!). Anyway, he'd stick his hand up and if a mic wasn't in front of his mouth in exactly 0.25 seconds he'd stare you down and go bright red in the face with anger. He was so much of a douche that if any brother went over time he'd put his coat on and walk out shaking his head.
One time i was so eager to get the mic in front of him in time that i swung it round a little too fast and "thock!" whacked him in his teeth.
And yes, this...
As a hormone induced lad, I enjoyed passing the mike because of the many occasions to view the blouses of the young sisters.