I remember i used to get really angry whenever anyone called it a cult. When i was a JW i would try and give proof that it wasn't a cult. JW's are told that a cult is a dangerous religious sect with a human leader(s). (Which funnily enough that is exactly what they are!) The word "cult" would instantly make me think the person using that word is bitter, misinformed, just looking for an argument or mocking me.
Their own rebuttal of the cult claim is here: https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/are-jehovahs-witnesses-a-cult/
Then, on a late night radio talk show, I heard the host refer to Jehovah's Witnesses as a very high-control group. It struck me as odd labeling, but it fit. The more I thought about it, the more it fit.
Cult is a trigger word for JW's. I think using the phrase 'high-control group' is a good way to avoid the JW trained defense response when you want to start realizing they are in a cult.
From 'high-control group' to 'cult' is a very short step.
I do this now too. I got it from Steve Hassans book Cult Mind Control. Even when im speaking to non JWs i refer to the cult as a "high control religion". This is so dont come across as bitter or crazy.