I used to believe in demons etc, my father in particular had many stories about before he was a JW and his family were into mediumship, tarot cards etc. He told us stories about some freaky goings on his one of the houses he grew up in such as him mum bought a picture frame from a 2nd hand shop. The next day the frame was on the floor with the photo next to it but the back of the frame was still tapes shut (oooo! spooky!).
He also said there's been one happening that he'll never tell anyone because it's so scary.
My older brother is not a witness (yet) and he used to dabble with Buddhism and had a dreamcatcher in his room. He claimed paranormal things would happen to him all the time.
My sister claimed she saw a demon with her own eyes.
I was also told by my father that the demons have different ranks and powers. Some like to move things and play cruel tricks, some like to invade dreams, some are more powerful and show themselves. Where he got this information i never did learn because i tried to research all this on WT Library CD Rom in the early 2000s.
Now... i dont believe any of that crap. Know why? Well for one thing my brother has since been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, my sister is known for telling tall tales and my father never actually researched the other possibilities to strange goings on (practical joker in the house maybe?).
But the final thing that made me stop believing in the supernatural was this: If YOU were an evil spirit, alive for millennia, with all that power and knowledge, would you spend your time opening and closing doors or making photo's disappear from frames? No. I wouldn't either. If i were evil and powerful I'd be doing some really messed up s^it.